28. The End

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I sit on my bed, drowning in a complicated mix of emotions. I wince as I recall the nights end. The hurt look that crossed Sinbad's face, the deafening silence which consumed the room, everything happened so fast, and seemed to go so wrong. Sinbad wouldn't even look at me afterwards, even though I didn't have time to explain myself. I tried to explain, give him a reason, but I choked up, not knowing how to respond whatsoever. I eventually ended up just leaving because of all of the sympathetic glances they were giving Sinbad, and the confused and angry ones they gave to me.

I toss and turn in my bed, trying to get comfortable but I just can't. I can't sleep, and I can't stop thinking about how badly I screwed up. Maybe I should've said yes, if only to spare Sinbad the embarrassment. Why did he have to ask in front of everyone, when he never brought it up to me in the first place? What would give him the idea that I'd say yes so soon anyways? All the questions swirl in my head, along with the faces of shock everyone tried terribly to mask.

I groan in exhaustion as I sit up in bed, deciding sleeping right now is pointless anyways. I find the need for a strong drink, even if it's only to put me to sleep. I barely remember where the kitchen is, but maybe walking around will help me even more anyways.

I wander the up and down the hallways, praying I don't run into anyone from earlier. I know that none of them will hold it against me in the long run, but if they saw me now, it'd be a long and tearful interrogation.

Finally, I manage to make it to the kitchen, where an older red haired woman sits perched on a stool beside a counter, reading a book.

"Can I help you Princess (Y/N)?" She asks, looking up from her page, as I'm surprising me by knowing my name. She smiles warmly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, as she places her hands on her hips.

"I need a drink," I half-laugh, half-plead.

She nods swiftly, walking over to a door, and entering. She spends a moment in there, I assume sorting through the mountains of booze Sinbad keeps laying around. She emerges with a bottle of wine in her hand, and two glasses in the other. For a moment, I think the second glass is for her, but she gives me both glasses, and seems to wait for me to go. Did she know he was going to propose too? And think I'm going to join Sinbad?

I don't dare to break the news to her if that is the case, and instead carry the glasses in one hand and the bottle in the other.

"Thank you," I smile weakly, as I turn for the door. She simply nods, and goes back to her book.

I walk down the hallway for a moment not knowing where I should go. Drinking in my room doesn't seem any fun, so I find a small balcony off of the main hallway, and step outside. The night breeze is cool on my skin, as a few goosebumps form on my arms. It's not cold enough to be uncomfortable, so I take a seat on a nearby bench. I remove the cork from the bottle, which the cook already unscrewed, and pour myself a glass. I sip it quickly, feeling the bitterness coat my tongue. I down the first glass, then another, and another, until the bottle runs dry, and I feel my brain becoming foggy. It's a pleasant and warm feeling of bliss, which I accept openly, as I stand up to go to my room.

As I pass by the kitchen on my way back, I return the bottle and glasses, then continue onward. The hallways seem to extend forever, yet I find myself gaining energy as I walk. I pass by Sinbad's bedroom door, as my heart pangs in my chest, beating faster than I'd like. I decide I can't leave things be the way they are, so I enter, to find Sinbad standing beside the window, facing outside. His head turns to see me as I close the door, but he turns away quickly, avoiding my gaze. He remains silent, not even giving me a hello.

I make my way over to him, wondering what to do, or even to say. We hadn't spoken I word since I told him no, and I'm sure he's confused and hurt by my response. I shake my head softly, as I wrap my arms around him, pressing my face into his back, as my hands press onto his stomach. He doesn't return my movements, and doesn't say anything either. I remove my arms, as I circle him, so that now I'm facing him head on. My eyes stare directly at his, as he is forced to keep my gaze.

"I love you Sinbad."

He nods at this, but still doesn't speak.

"I love you, and I want to spend my life with you," I assure him, "But that doesn't mean I want to marry you right now. Not yet."

He perks up slightly after hearing this, as the beginnings of a smile appear on his face.

"I love you too," he murmurs, as he takes a step closer to me. I mirror his movement, as we're close enough to touch, and he does. His hand finds my cheek, his thumb brushing away a tear I hadn't realized I'd shed, and he leans into me.

As his lips meet mine, I fall harder than I think I ever meant to or imagined I would. All my indiscretions from earlier fade into a dazzling array of fireworks. The warmth from his lips extends to my entire body, and I can feel my body giving into his strange power over me. As the kiss intensifies, I cling onto him, worrying that if I don't, he might part from me, leaving me cold and confused again, worrying about all the things that I shouldn't. My body dissolves into his, as my heart races, and I feel my blood pounding in my veins. It's dizzying, the way that so much happens at once, but when we part, I know.

I know that this is all I'll ever need.

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