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I scan the crowd of people filing out of the throne room, until I find the purple haired man I came with. A grin takes over his face as he sees me, obviously impressed by this ordeal.

"You look great," he tells me, holding out his arm for mine to encircle. We walk like this together to the ball room, as we talk about my sister and the country.

"Everything looks run down," I murmur sadly, referring to the city outside of these well maintained walls.

He nods slowly, "I noticed that too. It could be from your Mother's reign, I heard rumors that she wasn't doing well, but I had no idea what it was actually like."

I nod in response as I think about his words. I hope it's true that none of this is Aria's fault, but even if it's not, she's the one who has to clean everything up. She doesn't have any real experience with any of this either as far as I know. It's going to be difficult for her all alone...

We arrive at the ball room, to see it beautifully illuminated by the old chandelier hanging above us. The tables are covered in beautiful blue fabric, matching Aria's dress. I scan the room for the Queen, who isn't hard to find. She sits at the back of the room on a lofted platform so she can see everyone, and more importantly, so everyone can see her. There's a line of individuals standing in front of her, waiting to give her thanks and bows. Her cheeks glow bright pink, as if she didn't expect all the attention. Her smile looks strained and taught, giving her a flustered appearance, which is likely caused by the loud chatter and music.

"I'm going to go speak with her," I tell Sin, "Sorry to keep abandoning you."

"It's quite alright," He smiles. He probably knew this would be the case, which is why he doesn't look the least bit bothered. I walk away from him, but turn around long enough to see which table he sits at so I can join him later.

I make my way across the floor, as eyes fall on me once again. Everyone here recognizes me from only a few moments ago, so of course the whispering starts yet again. I wave it off, as I walk alongside all the tables of individuals who are being served traditional Tenrou cuisine. Most seem to enjoy it, while others seem overwhelmed by the different flavors and textures. Finally, I make it to Aria, who seems grateful I've given her a break from the guests.

"Holding up okay?" I laugh, as she rolls her eyes.

"Just barely," she says, wiping a stray strand of hair off of her forehead before turning the conversation back to me, "Are you going to dance tonight?"

"Of course," I smirk, an arrogant tone in my voice as I puff out my chest dramatically. This causes her her burst into laughter which is returned by me.

"With Sinbad too I hope?" She asks, raising her eyebrows multiple times. I hit her arm gently but nod, how could I not?

"Why else would I bring him?" I joke, as she shakes her head at me. She wants to pry into the details of our relationship further, but she surprises me by leaving the subject alone. The old Aria would've been questioning away until she got all the juicy details she wanted, but I guess things have changed.

"It's time for me to make my speech," she groans, as the music begins to fade, "Wish me luck."

I give her a reassuring smile, watching as she gets up and walks to the empty center of the room. Everyone else falls quiet as they wait for her to speak. Her confidence is shown through her perfect posture and high chin, and her gorgeous appearance makes everyone pay even closer attention.

"Thank you all for attending my coronation," her voice carries, as a smile forms on her lips, "I know that recently Tenrou's future has been uncertain. However, I'm determined to help my country and it's people reach new heights, and succeed as a nation. I'm grateful to have the honor of serving as Tenrou's Queen, and I promise to fulfill my duties, always with the country's wellbeing in mind. I hope to make all of you proud, and again, thank you for being here."

Applause sweeps over the room, and Aria continues once it's waned, "After dinner, I hope you all will join me in celebration." With this, she motions to the band who begins playing once again, and she returns to her place beside me.

"Well done," I smile, giving her a soft applause. She thanks me with a ridiculous curtsy, making both of us laugh yet again.

"God I'm so glad you came," she sighs as she sits back down, "It would've been a real bore without you."

"I'm sure that's not true," I shake my head, "There's about a hundred men here to dance with the gorgeous Queen of Tenrou, and one of them I'm sure would spare you from boredom."

She gives a slight shrug, "I don't know."

"Well it's almost time to dance," I tell her, "So we'll find out soon."

I stare out into the room, and spot Sinbad walking in our direction. When he appears in front of us, he gives us both a deep bow, giving us a smile.

"Queen Aria," He starts, "I'm happy to see you again."

"And I you Sinbad," she smiles, bowing her head slightly in response.

"(Y/N)," he then turns to me, "Would you mind giving us a moment?"

I tilt my head to the side wondering what he couldn't bear to say in front of me, but decide to oblige, "No problem."

I leave to the dance floor, as I watch others begin to gather there too, waiting for the next song to start. I look back at Sinbad and Aria eagerly, hoping they're coming to join me, but they're still talking, about something serious by the looks of it. I shrug it off, as a polite blonde man asks me to dance, and I take his hand.

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