12. Marriage and Family

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I get to the boat just seconds before the leave, and have to literally jump onto the side of the boat as two men help me up.

"There you are!" Sin shouts from across the deck, "For a second I thought you changed your mind."

"No, but you could've told me you were already leaving!" I grunt, tossing my half-empty bag on the ground.

"I though I did..." he pauses for a second before shrugging his shoulders, "Well you're here now, so it's okay right?"

I punch his shoulder half-heartedly before nodding.

"I believe you owe me an explanation or two also," he nods, "probably more now that I think of it."

"Right, right!" I chuckle nervously, "But first where do I put my stuff?" I ask, quick to change the subject.

"Would you like your own room?" He smirks, "That doesn't make much sense considering you'll probably end up in my bed anyways."

"Will not!" I object, "That was a one time thing, don't get any of those perverted ideas into that head of yours." I grumble, smacking his arm.

"(Y/N)!" A deep voice grumbles from behind me, making me jump out of my skin as I turn around.

A massive man with blue hair looks down to face me, and wraps me in a hug lifting me feet above the ground, "Thank god you're here!" Hinehoho shouts, "We've missed you so much, there's so much to tell you, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into," he chuckles.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well you're going to finally marry Sin and start a family right? We've been telling him he needs to settle down and-"

My face turns a dark shade of red as he continues listing the responsibilities of a queen, and a mother.

"Hinehoho you broke her!" Ja'Far shouts, "Look at her!"

I close my eyes pretending I'm not embarrassed, but it's definitely not working.

"They're not even getting married right away fr Christ's sake!" Ja'Far shouts.

"Actually-" Sinbad starts.

I immediately come to my senses, "Do not finish that sentence Sinbad or else." I grumble, giving him a deadly glare.

He nods, faking a smile to hide his fear. Even though he's far more powerful than me, I know that for whatever reason he doesn't want to get me mad.

"So shall I show you your room?" Ja'Far asks, defusing the situation.

I wave a temporary goodbye to Hinehoho as I follow Ja'Far to the opposite side of the deck, where I assume the bedrooms must be.

"Please don't cause too many problems for me (Y/N), you're a good friend, practically family. But if you plan on disappearing again, I don't think I can deal with those repercussions. I mean, he really does want to marry-"

"Please no more talk of getting married Ja'Far, I've only been back for a day!" I exclaim tired of the touchy subject.

"But don't you want to marry him?" He asks, "It's the only way you could get another royal title again-"

"Are you saying that's why I came back?" I ask, my voice becoming angry. How could he think that? Did he mean what he said before? Everyone thought I was a gold digger? Did that include him?

"No of course not," he pauses, "But that is an undeniable benefit. Then again, could you ever take a throne again-"

"Really Ja'Far let's just drop the subject, I haven't even thought that far ahead yet."

"No you're not the type who would," he chuckles, opening a small door.

I ignore his snarky comment as I enter into the room. It's tiny, like all rooms aboard a ship, and has nothing more than a bed and a small chest of drawers attached to the wall. A small candle sits on top of the drawers. It'll be the only source of light in this box.

"Thank you," I half-smile, half-glare, "And like I said, Pleadon't bring anything like that up again, especially not in front of him."

He nods understandingly, "We'll have dinner in a couple hours, I imagine you're going to sleep away half the day though."

"You're probably right," I laugh, "Don't ask anyone to wake me though, you know how I can be."

"I wouldn't want to risk that," he winces playfully, before closing the door and leaving me alone in the dark.

Sinbad's POV

"Well are you going to?" Hinehoho asks me as we sit down overlooking the water.

"Am I going to what?" I ask utterly confused.

"Ask her to marry you? Rurumaru told you what to do, and she gave you a ring for when-"

"I don't know Hinehoho, I'm not sure if she's even staying to tell you the truth. That'd be something though..." I pause, "Why are you so adamant on us getting married anyhow?"

"Well," he considers, "I guess I just want you to have kids because I always wanted more of them, and I just want you to have everything you could want."

"And you think that includes a family." I nod, "I'm not sure about any of it, but really isn't it too soon?"

"I suppose, but sometimes you just have to take that risk." He stares out at the water, and I know who he thinks about when he says that, and I know she would be telling me the exact same thing.

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