10. Exploration

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I stand around the room, pacing back and forth along the soft carpeting, my toes, now free from their entrapments, push up against the plush flooring. I don't know what it is, but I just can't sleep, every fiber of my being is running at full capacity, the idea of sleep itself irks me. Finally I abandon that idea altogether, and find myself creeping into the long hallway before my bedroom door.

I take the willpower of calling it my bedroom, seeing as it's unknown to me how long I'll be here. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't dare, but I have to remind myself I'm not running anymore, and it's okay to create ties to places.

As I walk down the hallway, which is shrouded in nearly complete darkness, I'm careful to run my hand along the far wall, to ensure I don't trip, as I make my way towards the far off large paned double doors. The faint moonlight pours in through them, illuminating that end of the hallway. I decided that's where I'm headed, for no other reason than it gives me the light I need to explore things further.

When I finally reach the doors, I attempt to push them open, only to discover they're locked.

"Dammit," I say to myself, nearly forgetting others are asleep.

I peer outside the door, to see it lets out to a terrace. The view I assume is breath taking, but all I can see is the dark sky, dotted with stars. However, across the terrace is another set of doors. I squint my eyes in a futile attempt to peer within them, but of course it's all for not.

Deciding to place my ventures elsewhere, I walk down towards the opposite end of the hallway, and make a turn.

I make a few more turns, and wind up at another set of doors. These ones are bigger than the other ones, even the ones to my room are dwarfed by it. The only way I know this is from the giant windows letting in the moonlight, which reflects off the varnish. I guess there must be a whole fleet of maids to keep this place clean, I've only explored a small portion of this castle and already I'm beginning to get lost.

I decide to take the risk and open the door, and when I do I give a sharp gasp.

The room is covered with windows on one side, the side facing the ocean, which gives a beautiful light into the room. The moonlight bounces off the water and shines directly inside through thin white curtains. Jewels dot the side opposite of the windows, along with treasure and other miscellaneous findings I assume are from far and wide. My mouth drops open as I turn and see the bed, massive, almost twice the size of the giant one already in my room. A beautiful tapestry hangs over the top and drapes over the sides, creating a canopy above the bed, almost touching the lofty ceiling. The other furniture in the room is unique each looking a different style, probably all imported, however somehow all the different looks come together and looks awe striking. I've only ever seen something like it once before, and I know immediately who this room belongs to. Still, I cross the room towards the bed, and stare at it's contents.

I smile as I sit at the edge of the bed, running my hands along the silky sheets, and staring at the purple haired man sprawled across the bed. Despite how huge the bed is, he manages to take up most of it, spreading his limbs out in every direction. I stare as the moonlight falls on his chiseled face, which has grown even more handsome with age. His purple hair which has never been longer sits tied behind his head, but wisps spring out and lie messily against his forehead. I lean across the bed and brush these stands off his face, my hand slides down towards his jawline, my forefinger tracing the sharp line of his chin. I lean down and kiss his forehead, my lips brushing against his surprisingly soft skin. It seems like no matter what, Ja'Far has managed to convince Sin to maintain himself.

I lie down beside him, my fingers still caressing his face, which moves slightly beneath my touch. My head rests on the pillow, which is harder than expected, especially when compared to the softness of the bed, I ignore it, along with the drowsiness beginning to tug at my thoughts.

I mindlessly wrap an arm around the man, who's now dressed in a thin shirt and sleeping shorts, and bring my head closer against his.

Suddenly, he bolts upright, moving me off of him, and reaching for what I assume is a weapon in his bedside drawer. It takes him a moment to realize it's me, and then he takes a relieved sigh.

"You know (Y/N)," he chuckles softly, his voice heavy with sleep, "you shouldn't sneak around into people's rooms in the middle of the night."

I nod shifting on the bed, and sinking deeper into the mattress, "I'll take note of that."

He shakes his head childishly, and lays back down beside me, pulling me beside him, "I hope this isn't a dream," he catches himself, "Never mind it's a great dream."

I laugh slightly, wishing I could've slept here beside him for all the nights I've been gone, feeling safe, protected. An ache of hurt tugs at my chest, "How many women have slept in this bed before me?" I ask, suddenly stiffening not realizing I'd said it aloud. Thankfully our king is asleep, unaware of the world turning beneath him.

"That didn't take long," I whisper, scooting closer beside him.

My mind tells me to get up, if I stay here all night, it'll complicate things, I have to return to my own room, not that I'd be able to find it. However, my mind began a loosing battle, my body unwilling to leave the comfort and safety of Sinbad's warmth. I find myself drifting off as I stare at the door, feeling that it's not worth it to leave. As sleep tugs at my head and body, I give in, closing my eyes as the view of Sinbad's face fades.

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