27. A Feast

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As we arrive in Sindria, everyone is waiting to receive us. Ja'Far and Pisti are waiting for us at the port, and explain that there's going to be a giant feast for tonight. I don't have time to stop to ask why, because Pisti's already pulling me away to the castle ahead of the boys. I wave a temporary goodbye to them both, as I rush to keep up with Pisti's pace.

"What's the rush?" I ask her finally as we make it to the palace doors.

"Dinners not too far away that's what," she groans as if my question itself tires her.

"I don't need to do anything though," I chuckle, "It's only dinner."

She shakes her head quickly, "Everyone is dressing up tonight, it's supposed to be a big deal."

"Why is that?" I ask, wondering what all the fuss is about.

"We usually do this whenever Sinbad comes back, but we didn't get to last time because you guys ran off to Tenrou as soon as he got back," she explains, "Now will you come on?"

I nod, following behind her, as she guides me to what I imagine will be her room. I like the idea of a big dinner, but not so much the getting dressed up. I never see much point in changing just for dinner, but it seems like that's what they do around here.

When we arrive at her room, I'm surprised by the size of it. I'd assumed everyone around here had enormous rooms, but hers in far smaller than mine or Sinbad's. It's not exactly a small room, but smaller than I'd expected. I suppose it may just seem smaller by the amount of things she has. She has many plants and flowers growing all around the room, along with lots of what appear to be magical artifacts. Beautiful tapestries hang on a couple of the walls, with gold embroidery which reflects the light coming in from the large window across from the door. The room itself is vibrant and earthy, but also mature, not as I'd expect from such a young girl.

"Ja'Far gave me a dress for you!" She chimes, walking over to a dark wooden desk. She pulls out a large box, and brings it over to me.

As I pull out the dress, I stare at it's purple hue, and immediately love it. It's shorter than I'd imagine, and I'm surprised Ja'Far was the one to pick it out. Usually he gives me long "appropriate" dresses, but this one looks to be about mid thigh. The shade is almost pastel purple, but with blue undertones which compliment my (e/c) eyes. The waist is cinched, with embroidery along it, but the skirt itself is flowy and light. There's no sleeves, but straps that expose my shoulders, allowing for movement. The dress appears to be low cut, exposing part of my chest, but not enough to be scandalous. I smile at the thought of wearing it, and am excited to put it on.

Pisti shows me her dress in return, which is similar to mine, but a pink hue, with a white belt for the waist. She looks as excited as I am to wear it for tonight.

"Let's get changed!" She suggests, as she runs into the bathroom through a door from her bedroom. I follow her lead, switching into the dress, and feeling it against my skin. I walk in front of the full length mirror in the corner, and am shocked by how the dress looks even better on.

Pisti emerges from the bathroom looking great as well, and we spend some time complimenting one another, before doing each other's hair. I attempt to do Pisti's, but she ends up putting her own, and mine, into similar braids, and are finally ready to go.

We make it outside to a terrace, where an enormous table takes up the space. Flowers hang from trees whose branches reach over the area, and they're illuminated by various lanterns placed decoratively around us.

Only Sharkann, Yamahira, Pisti and I have arrived yet, but Pisti says everyone else should be here soon. They ask of my sister's coronation, and force me to explain everything.

When I finish telling the details to Sharkann and Yamahira, they soon begin bickering between themselves. I decide to leave them alone, as I spot Hinahoho headed my direction, with a group of five other blue haired giants in tow.

"(Y/N)," he booms as he nears me, a grin on his face, "I don't think you've met everyone yet."

I listen intently as he lists off all of their names, but they all look so similar I've already gotten them confused. I give each of them a hug, and find myself missing Rurumaru as I look at them all. It's a bittersweet thing, but I'm grateful for the memory none the less.

"It's nice to meet all of you," I smile, as Ja'Far announces its time to sit down. I still haven't seen Sinbad in the group of people who've showed up, but I'm sure he'll be here soon.

"Sit over here," Ja'Far instructs, leading me to towards the dining area. He sits me to the side of the head of the table, which is where I'm sure Sinbad will be seated shortly. Just as I think it, the purple haired man arrives, looking happy as ever. Everyone shouts hello to him, as he greets everyone by their name. Finally, he makes his way down the table to me, but instead of my name, I just get a smile. As he's about to sit down, he leans over to me and hovers by my ear.

"You look good," he whispers, sending chills down my spine as his words tickle my ear. He moves back slightly, but not before planting a long kiss on my cheek in front of everyone. I smack him lightly on the arm, as everyone laughs. I'm embarrassed, but considering everyone here is practically family, I don't see the harm.

Without further ado, we all begin eating. There's an immense array of food, from various origins, many of which I've never seen before. I dig in none the less, surprised by many of the dishes. The conversation continues over dinner as we laugh and joke with one another, while retelling stories. Sinbad keeps looking over at me throughout the night, as I do him. A few times, he grasps my hand on top of the table, just leaving it there, intertwined with my his. It's comforting, especially with the hectic nature of the family dinner.

As the night begins to come to a close, and everyone slows down their eating, booze is served in higher quantities than earlier, as I continue to down drinks along with the others. Suddenly, Sinbad raises his voice above everyone else and proposes a toast. We wait patiently for his words, with glasses raised in anticipation.

"I'm glad we could all be here tonight, to enjoy each others company, especially when it feels like it's been so long," He then glances at me, which for whatever reason sends up a red flag, "I just wanted to say that I'm happy to finally be reunited with (Y/N), after all this time, and that you've all included her as much as you have. I want to further-"

At this point my heart stops, as I begin to realize what this is. Bile builds in my throat as I force myself to remain calm, as I think of a response. Everyone's eyes remain on me knowingly, as if this was all staged. I can't help but feel overwhelmed as my cheeks flush, and my palms begin to sweat. My thoughts return to Sinbad's words as I silently pray I've misjudged the situation.

"Our relationship has lasted decades," he continues, as I try to shake my head no discreetly, but even though his eyes are on me, he misses my signal, and I'm wondering if I'll have to just bolt, "And I want it to continue to last."

I brace myself for his next words, already regretting being so naive for coming into this blindly.

"(Y/N) will you marry me?" He asks, the brightest smile I've ever seen on his face. Everyone is waiting for me to say yes I just know it, and I don't know how to respond. I can't wait much longer as the silence begins to grow. His eyes begin to loose their shine, and I'm forced to act now.


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