26. Happy

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My eyes avoid Aria's as a silence falls between us. Neither of us want to say goodbye, even though we know it won't be too long before we see each other again. Sinbad waits patiently for me, but I know he's ready to leave by now.

Rather than make a sound, Aria place a hand around mine, forcing me to look at her. Her smile seems frail and weak, but she's making a good effort to hide the fact that this pains her. It's not easy for either of us, saying goodbye again after only reuniting for a short time, but it's not as if it's a surprise that I have to leave.

I return the smile, wishing she could just leave Tenrou and come with me, but she made a promise at her coronation, and I'm sure she means to keep it.

"I'll see you soon," I assure her, knowing that soon most likely will be months from now, but she already knows this.

"I'll be waiting," she says, pulling me into an embrace. She wraps her arms around me, as I melt into them, my muscles becoming looser. I feel the stress and worry I have regarding her melt away, as the embrace convinces me that Aria will be alright, just as she told me.

When we part, I feel the embrace is too short, and I have to fight the urge to return to her arms, where everything is right. I smile to her as I wave goodbye, remembering all the times she's acted as the older sister, when it's supposed to be me.

I used to hold it over her when we were younger, the fact that I was the oldest. Used it as an excuse to get away with everything, and she's let me, time and time again. She knew it didn't mean much, but she loved me to the point where she'd just give into my claims. Even now, she takes on the responsibility which is meant for me, without thinking twice. She sacrificed her future, so I could live mine however I want, and she hasn't complained once. She's good like that, always stepping in to save me. She was the one who would break up fights between me and our Mother, the one who cared for me when I was sick, the one who assured me everything would be alright after the death of our Father. Aria has always been the older sister.

I fight tears as I realize all the times I should have been the one caring for her, and try to push the thought away as I turn to Sinbad. He gives me an apologetic smile, like it's obvious I'm trying not to cry.

"Goodbye Aria," He says, giving her the same one he gave me moments ago. I can't stand to turn around to see if her eyes are welling up like mine, because if they are I'm sure we'll both start balling like children. Instead, I keep my back to her, as Sinbad and I make our way to the port.


"We're almost home," Sinbad tells me from the doorway. There's barely enough light for me to see him, but I can hear the excitement in his voice. He must be happy we both came back together, I'm sure he thought there was a chance I'd stay back in Tenrou. I would have too, but I don't think I would've been able to bear without him for long. Even waiting around when he went off on his last trip was painful.

My thoughts shift to Sindria, and how Sin called it home. For him it definitely is, but for me I'm not quite sure yet. I still feel like a visitor there, regardless of how friendly everyone seems to be. Maybe if I stay longer my opinions will change, and I'll see it as he does. I don't know what I consider home now. Tenrou certainly isn't home anymore, even though Aria is there. I guess for now I'll just stay torn between the two.

I lift myself off of my bed, and join him at the door, gravitating towards him, as his charming smile pulls me in. He wraps his arms around my waist as I face him, pulling me closer to the warmth of his chest. I wrap both of my arms around his neck, clasping them together behind him. We stand like this for a while, not saying much of anything, but enjoying the comfort of each others touch. It's not the fiery passion that usually comes around when we're close like this, but instead a feeling of safety. Safe from what, I'm not exactly sure, but I enjoy it none the less.

I lean back from him slightly, enough so that my face isn't buried in his chest so I can speak, "Any plans for when we get back?"

"I can think of a few things we can do," he teases, as I simply laugh at his answer.

"How long are you staying in Sindria?"

"I have to leave in a week or so," he explains, "But after that I won't have to leave again for a couple months."

I try to hide my delight from his words, but I can't help but break into a smile. I plant a firm kiss on his lips, catching him off guard. The unexpectedness of it causes him to laugh softly as we part. I embrace him tighter, his chin resting on my head gently, before breaking free of the embrace.

"You're that happy?" He asks, suddenly seeming serious.

I nod slowly, not understanding his tone, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I just want you to be happy," he says, his hand finding mine.

"I am."

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