25. Gone

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Sinbad is quick to change and open the door for me once again, all while booming with laughter. Maybe he thinks it will ease my embarrassment, but it just makes me feel ridiculous for freaking out in the first place. It is Sinbad after all. I wait for a 'like what you saw' joke, but he leaves the subject alone, instead lies down on the bed, letting out a tired sigh as he does. I join him, laying my head down on his chest, listening to his heart beat steadily.

"What did you talk to Aria about?" I ask him, as I hear his heart beat faster in his chest.

"Just leading a country..." he trails, coming off as not telling the whole truth.

I hum quietly, "What else?"

"Not much," he shrugs, his eyes closed so I can't look at them.

The fact that neither Sinbad or Aria will tell me the truth is aggravating. I wonder what in the hell is so terrible that they can't tell me. Maybe they were just making fun of me the whole time, or they really were talking about the country. Either way, I wouldn't be bothered, what does bother me however, is the secrecy of it all.

"Are we leaving in the morning?" I ask Sinbad, my eyes shutting softly as his fingers run through my hair.

"I have to leave," he explains, "There's a business trip I have to go on, but you can leave later if you want to."

I shake my head, I don't like being here too much, but I do feel bad that I haven't seen Aria in ages. I know I'll see her again in the near future, but leaving so soon still seems wrong. I'm torn, but I'm tempted to go ahead and leave with Sinbad, because I know I'll miss him while he's gone. As terrible as it sounds, I worry about him more than I do my sister, because of how wild he tends to be.

"I think I'll go with you," I sigh, tracing circles onto his stomach with my index finger, "When will we leave tomorrow?"

"In the morning?" He suggests, inhaling sharply as he awaits my response.

"That's fine," I murmur, wishing we could stay longer so I could talk to Aria. Maybe I'll go find her tonight and force her to stay up with me. But then again, I'm already falling asleep, Sinbads warm arms around me aren't helping me stay awake at all.

I sit up on the bed, as Sinbad opens his golden eyes to watch me. I lean myself over him, as his lips purse slightly, begging to be met with mine. I inch closer, as I feel him hand gently rubbing at the base of my neck, sending chills through my body. I close the gap between us, as our lips meet, in a soft delicate kiss. My eyes close on impact, as electricity flows through my body in crashing waves, bringing a smile to my lips as we break apart.

I find myself overwhelmed by my feelings for him, and take a moment to look away from him and gain back some of the composure that kiss stole from me. When I look back at him, his eyes are shut once again, with a smile still taking up his face. I shake my head, as I push off the bed and head for the door.

"That's it?" He asks, sounding disappointed by our short rendezvous. I turn around to blow him a teasing kiss, before shutting the door softly behind me, and heading in the direction of Aria.

My pace quickens as I near her door, eager to see her again. Even though it's only been a couple of hours, I can't stand being so close to her but not actually near her. Maybe it's because I know how much farther away I'll be in only a days time.

I give a short knock at the door, before bursting in, to see Aria laying down on her bed. She lies on her back, staring blankly at the ceiling, with her arms extended on each side of her body, hardly taking up any space on the enormous mattress. Her head turns to look at me as I enter, but her face remains blank and unmoved. I shake the strange look, and jump on the bed beside her, wondering why she won't perk up.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my eyes scanning her face for a hint.

"When you leave this time, will you be gone long?" She asks flatly, her voice unemotional which contrasts the charged question.

I shake my head violently, as her eyes meet mine, "Of course not," I answer, trying not to sound too hurt by the question.

"Good," she replies, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'll come back in a few months," I promise, my hand grabbing hers, "And this year we can finally spend the holidays together again."

She smiles as she hears this, seeming to play with the idea in her head, "In Tenrou?"

"Or Sindria," I suggest, "I don't care which, but we're going to spend them together."

"Are you going to live in Sindria from now on?" She asks, her eyes avoiding mine.

"I'm not sure," I explain, "I'll go wherever I end up, I don't have everything planned out."

"Would you prefer to live there?"

If this was ten years ago, I wouldn't think about it twice, of course I would. But things have changed now, and I can't even reply honestly. I want to be with Sinbad as often as I can, for as long as I can, but I feel the need to reconnect with my sister, and stand by her when she needs me. Which would be now if ever. Again, I'm being forced to pick, with neither option leaving me completely satisfied.

"If I stay with Sinbad, I can travel here often, with ships headed this way almost every month. When he leaves on trips, I can come here, and I can spend the summers here, and the holidays, and many times in between. But if I stay here, I'll always be wondering where he is, and when he's planning on seeing me. I don't want to have to choose between you both, but I can't spend my entire life with you Aria, even if it's to make up for the years we lost."

She nods solemnly, understanding my logic, but doesn't try to continue the conversation, her mind seems far away, and I can't seem to reach her.

"Are you going to be okay by yourself?" I ask her, the concern coming through my voice.

"I've been fine since you left the last time."

I nod, the words stinging much more than I hope she intended, as a lump forms in my throat. I never meant to abandon her, after all my leaving was her idea to begin with. I know it wasn't easy for either of us, but I can't see how she blames me now.

"I love you Aria," I tell her, wrapping my arms around her, burrowing my face in the crook of her neck. I don't want to let go of her ever again.

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