18. Babysitters

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The first thing we do when we get back to Sindria is go see another doctor. Apparently while I was in Imuchakk they took me to a doctor, but everyone wants to make sure I'm fine. I'm starting to convince them that I am, but truth is my body aches and hurts just as much as it did when I first woke up.

We walk to the doctor from the boat, but not even halfway there I give up, barely able to move my limbs any longer. Sin offers to carry me, but the job goes to Hinahoho, who lifts me like I'm weightless, and throws me over his shoulder. The corners of my mouth turn upwards as I look at the busy street from a taller perspective, able to see everything and everyone around us.

We finally make it to the doctor, who seems to already know Sin, and she examines me carefully. I wince when she touches certain parts of my body, and let her know where I'm hurting. I still try to downplay the pain I'm in, but she can see through it. She nods when she's done, then turns to my companions.

"I honestly don't know how she's able to move around," the blonde woman let's out a long breath, "She needs to be on bed rest for a week at least, maybe more.."

My jaw drops at the news, bed rest?? I could hardly stand being cooped up in a room for the time it took us to travel here, but I have to do another week of that? I groan, as the doctor then turns to me.

"I'll give you some herbs to take," she explains, "But you can't be moving around anymore, it's just going to make things worse."

I nod, knowing she's right. How the hell am I gonna manage that?

With that, we leave to the castle, where Ja'Far has a room set up for me that's even bigger than last time. Like Sinbad's room, this one faces the ocean, with large floor to ceiling windows to stare out of. I know I'm going to be bored, but at least there's a view.

"This works for you?" Ja'Far asks, as Hinahoho places me on the bed gently, the plush bed pushing up against my sore back. I give him a nod, as both he and Hinahoho glance at Sinbad who leans against the bed post, looking me over. They make eye contact with Sin, then decide to leave the two of us alone.

"So," He starts, "Ja'Far wants me to go with him on another trip, because it's kind of important, but-"

"Just take me with you," I beg, "Being here without any of you will be torture."

"You need to stay in bed-"

"There's a bed on the ship I'm sure!" I exclaim, "Or I can lay on the floor, I don't care, I just don't want to be here all alone."

"You won't be alone," he explains, "There's plenty of people here who can take care of you, and you won't be bored I promise."

I let out a groan as I realize he's serious about not taking me, "I understand," I murmur, not wanting to make him feel worse about abandoning me.

"I can introduce you to some people before I leave if that's what you like," He starts, "After all, they'll be watching you to make sure you stay in bed like the doctor said."

"I'm fine," I tell him, "Judar didn't even do that much damage, I'm sure I'll be up and about before you're even back."

He shakes his head, while sitting beside me on the bed, "You have to wait a full week, and maybe even longer, whatever it takes."

I roll my eyes at his demands, he can't control me while he's gone, but at least now I won't have to use so much energy to pretend I'm fine. Maybe part of this is a good thing.

"When do you leave?" I ask him eagerly.

"In a few hours."

So soon? Is it always like this? Him jetting off almost as soon as he gets back. I guess I wouldn't mind as much if I was going with him, but this is just exhausting considering I have to stay behind. I shrug my shoulders indifferently, "What do you have to do in the meantime?"

"I have meetings to hear citizen's grievances," he tells me, tracing the veins visible on my wrist with his finger, "I'll be back to say goodbye when I'm done."

"I'll see you then," I try to smile, not masking my disappointment .

"Pisti and Yamraiha will come introduce themselves in the meantime though, I think you'll like them." He grins, as though he didn't just assign me a pair of babysitters.

I remember the girl named Pisti I met before I left for Imuchakk, but the other name doesn't sound familiar at all. Hopefully she's as nice as Pisti was.

As he gets up to leave, the door opens, revealing both Pisti, and a beautiful blue haired woman. The woman wears a black hat resembling that of a witch, and pink clam shells covering her enormous breasts. The two of them cross the room to my bed, and look at me in all of my pathetic glory.

"I'm Yamraiha," the blue haired woman says, giving me a smile, "Nice to meet you (Y/N)."

I return her expression, "It's nice to meet you too. Good to see you again Pisti!" I wave to her, as her lips lift into a grin.

"Seems you're all set," Sinbad says, giving my hand a small squeeze, "You all play nice!"

I roll my eyes and watch him go, leaving me alone with the girls, not knowing what to say or do, they remain standing awkwardly beside me, it seems like they don't know what to do either.

"How was Imuchakk?" Pisti asks, as if she isn't seeing me a tattered mess. She seems to realize this after saying it, and furrows her brows.

"Wasn't too terrible," I laugh, "Other than getting my ass handed to me."

They don't return my laughter, which only adds to the tension, "What have you two been up to?"

"I was helping Yamraiha collect a few magical artifacts!" Pisti exclaims, "It was pretty exciting."

Her enthusiasm makes me chuckle, as she explains where she went and how she obtained the artifacts with her companion. Yamraiha fills in the details Pisti misses, until their story ends.

"(Y/N)," Yamraiha starts, her blue eyes staring into mine, "Can I ask you some questions? No ones really told us anything about you, and well.. We're both curious I guess."

"Of course!"

"Where are you from?" Pisti asks me, as she sits down on the bed. Yamraiha does the same as they both listen intently for my answer.

"I'm from Tenrou," I explain, "But I haven't been there in a long time."

"Why not?" Yamraiha asks.

"I ran away," I tell them, "I was a princess there a long time ago, I guess I still am. But, I quit using my title after I ran."

"Woah!" Pisti shouts, "You're the missing Princess?"

I nod as both of them exchange a look of surprise, "I think though, I'm going to start using my title again. It feels weird not having it when I'm around everyone else who uses theirs."

"But if someone hears about it," Yamraiha begins, "won't they come looking for you?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I got word that my sister will be taking the throne in a month, and I'm not exactly concerned about anyone else looking for me." I leave out the fact that the Prince of Edindrae, who was the reason why I ran, got married less than a week after Judar faked my death, so he wasn't an issue either. It seemed that finally things were coming together.

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