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I wasn't bluffing when I told uncle GD that I would try to talk to Princess.

I lost count of how many times I tried to call him.

After two weeks I gave up on calling him and just strolled around in his neighbourhood trying to catch any familiar faces, but nothing.

I just needed somebody from the mansion, I didn't care who it was.
Jackson, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, Princess...where are you?

It's like they all just had vanished.


That's how the memories felt like when I thought about Princess.

The only thing I could catch was a black car arriving, stepping out two girls and being greeted by that witch/bitch I wanted to avoid at any cost. Even though uncle rambled about chopping dicks I didn't wanted it to go that far.

The girls looked young, same age as Princess and Hoseok. Maybe their cousins or something? I don't know.

After they entered the mansion I waited for another thirty minutes. Maybe somebody would show up for the luggage or something and I could talk with him?


I sighed in disappointment and made my way back to my apartment.

Maybe I should just give up.
And that's exactly what I did.
No more calling, no more waiting outside for some wonder.
just tried to push him out of my life.
Throwing away everything I had to do with him.

It wasn't easy, it was difficult as hell, but I still live so it's not that bad.
I just halfway died inside, that's all.

"Boys I'm out for some eggs. Do you want anything specific?" I asked searching for my shoes.

"Ice cream pwease!" Tae shouted from the living room his mouth stuffed with some sweets.

"Alright. Kookie you want anything?" I looked at him, but he just shook his head and also stuffed his mouth with chocolate.

"Be right back! Don't do anything dumb! Love ya!" I exited the door and made my way to the nearest shop.

Eggs eggs eggs where are you? Don't you worry, I will find you~  I searched for my beloved eggs holding some strange bubble-gum flavoured ice cream in my hands. Only the strangest things for my little alien boy.

There you are  I smiled devilish at my target grabbed a box and made my way to the cashier, but luck wasn't on my side today either as somebody bumped into me and I could only watch in horror as the eggs fell on the floor.


I look up to that somebody ready to start a fight, but let it go after I immediately recognize that somebody with his unforgettable mint hair.

"Yoongi?" I ask, my eyes wide open both in surprise and happiness. 

He looked at me as I spoke out his name and he looked at me kinda strange. He wasn't up for a conversation as he turned away as if he never saw me. We aren't best friends or anything, but we talked pretty much back in the mansion and understood each other, that's why I would deserve a Hi  atleast.

I quickly grabbed the box with the crashed eggs and gave it to the nearest personal apologizing and hurried to pay for the ice cream. I had to catch up with Yoongi. After so much time waiting outside I finally met someone from the mansion, who actually avoids me.

I walk out of the shop and was about to run in the direction of the mansion, but a hand grabbed me from behind and pulls me back.

"Hey Yoongi. Oh my god you don't know how happy I am right now" I went for a hug but he blocked me.

"Don't touch me" he hissed.

"I only waited outside for you to ask you a question don't you dare to lie to me Kim Namjoon" he said now looking straight into my eyes.

"I won't. Go on" I nodded for him to continue.

"Do you like Princess?" he asked.

"Seriously? That's your question and you expect me not to lie?" I ask and he nods.

"Yes, I still like no...love him" I answer him and he softens up right away and pulls me in for a hug.

"I knew it! Now listen here carefully. After you left the mansion, Princess his mother started talking some random shit like that you just played your feelings and so on. I wasn't quite sure about that, because you aren't that kind of a guy, but you never showed up so I didn't knew what to do"

"She threatened to harm my brothers, Yoongi. That's the reason I wasn't visiting you all anymore" I explained.

"Yeah, well. Right after you left Jimin got kicked out from Hoseok and he didn't come back either.Then shit happened. Namjoon. Both Hoseok and Princess are going to get married in a week" he finished.



Ah I wanted to update yesterday, but I-I just couldn't. I was too shook to do anything.


First: Spring Day...yeah. A masterpiece. Thats all I can say. I cant stop listen to it and just gahhh...I love it ♥‿♥ (althought my Angle got no solo lines which makes me somehow sad, but yeah. He shines in not today sooooooo its aright :'3)

Second: That fvckin kiss on Vlive...I mean HELL YEAH NAMJIN IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!


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(look at how happy Namjoon is :D)

\(^○^)人(^○^)/\(^○^)人(^○^)/\(^○^)/ \(^○^)/

Yeah...thats it.

No wait. Actually I couldn't stop myself so I started to write a Namjin one shot with all that kiss and so on and I am going to upload it tomorrow on valentine's day...yay~

It's called Punishment...not  :333

Sooooo see ya tomorrow^3^~<3 


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