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"You heard it?"

"Yeah from dad"

"And? What n-now?" I was near the tears as I started stuttering, but held it back.

I'm not weak.

"I don't know" Hoseok looked at the floor as if the answer was written on it, but of course it wasn't.

knock knock

"Go away mom" I shouted not wanting to see her today again.

"It's me" dad answered not wanting to barge in, but waited if we would let him in or not.

And we did...well Hoseok did more precisely.

"Hey boys. You know, that isn't really the face people make when they are going to get married" he wanted to lighten the mood, but it didn't really work to be honest.

"That's right dad. It isn't now what if I would tell you that we don't want to marry them?" Hobi muttered jumping on the bed burying his face in a pillow.

"...I would ask why you don't want to marry them?" he smacked Hoseok his ass who just groaned in response, but sat up nonetheless.

No answer.

"We...we don't even like them, you understand me? It wasn't our decision, but mother her" I finally spoke up looking at him.

"Your mother choose the sweetest girls from the world..I don't see wh-"

"WE GOT BOYFRIENDS DAD???! FUCKING BOYFRIENDS WHO WE LOVE SOO FUCKING MUCH!!!" Hoseok yelled and started punching the wall in anger next to him tears now escaping his eyes.

The rampage didn't last long as he broke down, curled in a ball and started sobbing frantically.

I also couldn't hold it anymore as two big tears rolled down my cheeks Mr. Jung just looking at us with a shocked expression until he got up and hugged Hoseok then me.

"Now no now don't cry boys. What are you chicken? I don't remember raising two crybabies...only you Hoseok" he smiled and of course he didn't mean it bad as he hugged the other boy closer to himself.

We stayed in this pose for some minutes as he waited for us to calm down.

"Dad?" Hoseok asked, that came out as a whisper.

"Yes, Hoseok?"

"Could you...could you help us out somehow? I don't know what to do and I really REALLY don't want to merry H-Haru" he hiccupped.

"What about you Seokjin. You don't want to merry Mei either I guess" I shook my head leaning it on his shoulder still hugging him.

"Then we have to figure something out. I don't want you two to feel miserable for the rest of your lifes. Marriage shouldn't be something to be forced and here your mother didn't quite understand something. I still love her, but Hoseok you are my son and you know that you come before her. Yes, same goes now for you Seokjin. I want you two to be happy with the persons you love" he smiled at us warmly.

I swear I was so near the tears again, but instead I just hugged him once again tightly.

"I am happy that you're my dad" I whispered and really meant that.

"Let's see. We got two days. Boys could you perhaps arrange a meating with your boyfriends? I would like to meet them and also try to figure something out while you all are there"

"We were going to meet them tomorrow. You could come with us" he nodded in approval and started thinking about something again.

"Alright. Tomorrow then. I will tell your mother, that we are going to have some quality time between us men and we leave like that" he spoke up and wriggled out of the hug somehow to get back on his shared room with my mother.

"Thank you dad" we both said in unison and he laughed leaving us back.

"We really have to figure out tomorrow. That's our last chance" I looked at my phone calling Namjoon, who picked up after seconds happily greeting me.

"Hey babe~"

"Hey Joonie. Is it okey with you, if we invited our dad to come with us tomorrow?" I asked now worriedly, fearing that he would say no.

"Uhm..yeah bu-"

"He just wants to meet and get to know you two" I cut in his words.

"Yeah..if he wants. I'm fine with tha- TAE NO BAD BOY PUT THAT THING DOWN!! Sorry babe but I gotta go. See you tomorrow. Love you"

"Love you too"

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