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Namjoon POV

"Today was fun" Taehyung declared as I walked the two younger to their room tucking them in their bed.

"Yep. Oh, Tae did you hear Hobi hyung screaming like a girl just because of the little fishy?" the boys started giggling as they grabbed their plushies, hugging them near to themselves.

"Alright it's late boys lets sleep yeah?" I said kissing their foreheads wishing them a good night.
I was about to open the door and leave when I felt a tugging on my shirt, looking down the boys were suddenly standing there looking up at me with puppy eyes..

Oh Oh.

"Okayyyy what did you two did this time? Again a prank on your two hyungs?" I kneeled down and was greeted with them jumping on me tackling me down on the Floor hugging me.

"I love you Joonie" they both said in sync like exercised.

"I love you too...both of you very very much" I smiled and hugged them back before tickling them making both giggle.

I grabbed one leg from both boys and lifted them up in the air, Jungkook laughing like crazy while Taehyung was wiggling to get free. I laughed and carried them back to their beds carefully putting the two down.

"Nighty Joonie~" Jungkook yawned turning on his side with his plushy, Taehyung following him in dreamland.

"They sleeping?" Princess looked up from his book briefly as I entered our room closing the door quietly.

"Hmm what are you reading?" without looking at the cover I jumped on the bed next to him leaning my head on his shoulder reading into the book.

"The devil held me in his clutches..the enemy was behind..you reading my book?" I leaned forward and yes he was reading my book.

"Hmmm the one I threw at your head so it's Special" he smiled continuing reading, completely ignoring the little pecks I gave him on his neck until he couldn't hold in his laughter and tried pushing me away.

"Stob it..it tickles" he giggled pushing my face away so I leaned back in my pillow watching him reading the book smiling as he sometimes formed the words with his lips.

Suddenly he stopped and put the book down on the desk next to the bed then turned to me with a smirk on his face..uhhhhhhh.

"Uhhhhh Princess what's up with that face?" I asked, but he just changed his features to a softer smile, thought that spark in his eyes stayed no matter how cutely he looked at me.

"NamNam~ Let's have some fun" he winked at me slowly leaning forwards pecking the tip of my nose.

"S-Sure..let me just quick bring UNO and we can play that and...have fun" I stuttered and was about to stand up and escape the situation, but Princess was more faster and grabbed my arm pulling me back on the bed.

He pushed me down on the bed, him atop of me trapping me with his thighs...god those thighs I can't I quickly averted my eyes away from his soft thighs and looked up and again he was smirking.

"W-What are you-"

"Relaaaaaax I told you I want some fun..and not with UNO or other board games" he rolled his eyes as I was about to open my mouth trying to suggest other games.

"Okay then what about hide-and-OH.MY.LORD" he suddenly started grinding down on my body and well...Mini NamNam riseee!!!

I bit my lips holding back the moans and I was doing pretty good until that sneaky lil tease started sucking on my neck that would surely leave red to purplish marks I surely had to explain to the kids next morning.

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