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Dedicated to all the people out there who thought I was gonna S-E-P-E-R-A-T-E them. ;)


"I need to sneak in. I need your help" Nandini whispered over the phone. 

"Okay! Okay! Thanks! Okay!" Nandini continued whispering before hanging up. 

Soon, the back door opened and she was let in. 

"Thank you" Nandini said to Mr. Parker who nodded his head in amusement. 

"But may I ask why you had to sneak into the building in the middle of the night?" Mr. Parker asked. 

"Just need to clear some things with..M- Manik" Nandini whispered as she walked out of the elevator into his apartment, trying to hide her swollen, red, puffy eyes. 

"Do you where he is?" Nandini asked Mr. Parker. 

"In the gym. Has been there all night" He replied. 

Nandini nodded and asked him to go to bed. 

She made her way to the gym. She reached the door and pulled it open to find an extremely tired looking Manik sitting on the ground with his back against the floor lengthed mirror. His hands were covering his face. He was sobbing. Suddenly, he let out an agonizing scream and punched the mirror next to him, shattering it. His knuckles were bleeding. He was sweating profusely. He was shirtless, his chest glistening with sweat, his sweatpants hanging low on his hips. His hair were a mess, still he looked utterly sexy. 

He grabbed the nearest thing he could find and threw it across the room, which was a bottle of beer that shattered into a million pieces, the beer spilling on the floor. He got up and walked towards the punching bag. She could see the muscles of his back flexing as he threw a punch, making the punching bag fly backwards before coming back to get more of his punches. 

His knuckles split open and were bleeding a little too much for Nandini's liking, as they left red prints in the punching bag and dripped to the ground, pooling around his feet. 

His breaths were heavy as he continued punching the bag, not even flinching when his bruised, bleeding fists came in contact with the punching bag. 

Nandini sucked in a deep breath before moving towards him. She walked to the punching bag and held it back, preventing it from going forward. Manik stopped as he furiously looked at the person who had dared to interrupt him. 

His eyes landed on her. Their eyes met and there was a flicker of all the different emotions he was feeling, just for an instant, before he hid them, turning his eyes blank and cold as he stared at her. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked coldly. 

Nandini remained silent as she assessed him. 

"You better get out of here before I make you regret it" Manik said rudely, not waiting for her reply. 

Nandini's eyes travelled to his injured, bleeding fists before coming back up to meet his eyes. 

"I said you better-" Before Manik could complete his sentence, Nandini smacked him right across his face with enough force to shock him. He whipped his head to look at her with wide eyes. 

"Wha-" Manik started speaking but was cut off by Nandini. 

"I fucking hate you! That was for breaking my heart you asshole!" Nandini screamed as she threw a weak punch at his sweaty bare chest. "And this was for doing what Alya told you to!" Nandini said as she pushed Manik away, hoping he would fall on his butt. When he didn't, Nandini stepped closer to his stunned and confused form and moved her hands into his hair, pulling him down and crashing her mouth to his. 

Bumping Into Mr. Billionaire ✓Where stories live. Discover now