#6 The revenge

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Tiffany's POV

My smirk widened when Chase looked at me with annoyance, Aria turned to face me with cautious eyes but a brave face.

"Tiffany back off, now is not a good time." Chase warned me.

I raised an eyebrow, "Not a good time?" I tilted my head, looking at Aria, "I swear you were promising babies not long ago, weren't you?"

Her eyes widened and blushed, oh fuck her blush. I didn't say anything embarrassing.

He shook his head, pulling Aria behind his back, "Stop it Tiffany, I know exactly what you're trying to do."

I smiled innocently, "And what am I trying to do babe?"

"Do you like doing this?" Aria asked softly.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

Who said you can talk to me bitch?

"Why do people like you enjoys hurting others?" She looked at me accusingly.

"You bitch don't know anything about me!" I snapped.

She rolled her eyes, stepping aside to stand next to Chase, "And you don't know anything about me! So why do you hate me so much?!"

Is this girl dumb or what?

"You seriously don't know? Are you really that dunce?" I spoke in disbelief.

She looked at me confusedly.

"You stole my freakin boyfriend! What more do you want?!" I yelled.

Her eyes widened, "He wasn't your boyfriend, you didn't treat him right, you only wanted sex from him," She held Chase's hand, "Chase deserves to be in a real relationship where there's commitment and loyalty and true love. If he doesn't want to be with you, you shouldn't be angry at that."

I- I don't know what to say... I'm literally speechless.

I slowly shook my head, "Just stop talking before you make yourself more stupid hoe, just stop." Chuckling bitterly, I turned around and walked away. Chase really did brainwash her, or maybe she's brainwashed in the first place to fall for him.

Does that mean you were brainwashed?

Unfortunately yes.

When I took a turn, I stopped and eavesdropped. "I'm so proud of you baby." Chase pulled her in a hug and kissed her forehead.

Tears gathered in my eyes but I quickly blinked it away and walked towards the nurse room, seeing Jax sitting on a chair with an ice pack on his lips.

I knocked on the door and entered the room, "Yo Wassap." I mumbled.

He nodded, "Hey."

"Does it still hurt?" I asked.

He chuckled, "Like a bitch."

I sat on the bed in front of him, "You're still good though right? With Chase I mean?"

Please say yes.

He nodded, "Of course, a stupid punch won't make me hate him."

A stupid girl won't separate you guys.

I smiled happily, "You're a good guy, Jax."

His lips tugged upward, "You too, Taffy."

I rolled my eyes at the nickname Jax used to call me when we first met, I remember telling him my name, but he was drunk and started calling me Taffy. I smiled at the memory.

I looked at my fingers on my lap, I gulped, "Do you think Chase ever loved me at some point?"

He looked at me sadly, "I don't want you to get hurt more than you are."

I glared at him, "I'm fine," I fixed my hair, "I've already been expecting it, I just want to know if he ever loved me."

He sighed, "This isn't easy to say, but... no, he has never loved you."

I nodded, "Alright, thank you for telling me. Now I think it's easier for me to move on." I took a deep breath.

He stood up and stepped forward until he was standing between my legs, his thumb caressed my cheek.

"Jax, I'm so pissed." I murmured.

He nodded, his ice blue stared at me intensely, "I know."

My heart started beating fast, "I want to be happy again."

He smiled softly, "You will Taffy, I believe in you, you're a strong person." He looked confident.

I chuckled, "Thanks. I like your compliments, never stop giving me those." I teased.

He stepped back and chuckled, "I won't, only if you promise you won't stop being you, coz this," he pointed at my face, "Isn't you."

I smirked, "Deal."

His eyes twinkled, "Now, show me that smile." He poked my cheek.

I swatted it away, "No fucking way."

"C'mon Taffy, don't get all violent, I just want that smile."

I bit back a smile and shook my head, "Go jerk off dummy."

He laughed, "Don't make it a big deal, I just want a smile."

I smiled toothfully, looking at his goofy face, "Happy?"

"Yes. Are you?" He asked back.

My smile fell, "Not really," My shoulders slumped down, "I feel like there's a lot of anger that's stopping me from being happy."

He sat next to me, "You know, there's a lot of anger for a sweet girl like you," He placed a hand on my shoulder, "It's not healthy."

"I know," I sighed, "But I need release."

He narrowed his eyes, "How?"

I looked down, "I want revenge." I spoke in shame.

He stayed silent and for once I was happy with that. I didn't want him to tell me how wrong I was, or how it won't help, because I thought otherwise. The anger is too much, and I kept it for too long, I wanted to take this opportunity for my release.

The pain I have endured for many years of silence, night cries, and seeking help, I literally am not an easy person to open up about my feelings.

Revenge? Hmm, sounds like music to my ears.


Yeesh! I don't think I'm mentally ready for this level of anger. It literally vanishes the moment I think of food.

Revenge? More like eating food and imagining it's my enemies happiness lmao

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