#10 The hate

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Tiffany's POV

I wanna punch that face so bad!

I grabbed Andy's hand firmly, "Let's go girls." I demanded.

Andy stood frozen, her eyes widening in horror, Lexie looked just as angry as me. I managed to pull Andy, but Edward took a step forward.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Eddy." Lexie warned.

Edward kept staring at Andy with an intense glare, "Andy," he mumbled, "Can we talk?"

Lexie and I sent him death glares, while Andy stood like a statue, but we all know that she doesn't want to be anywhere near him.

"Andy wants nothing from you, stay away from her." I warned.

I pulled Andy by her arm, it happen just like in stories and novels-I think?– Edward's eyes darkened and stepped closely in front of me, death glaring at me like he's gonna use his superpowers on me. To say I wanted to pee was an understatement. I think I already did.

"I won't let you go anywhere with her." He grumbled deeply.

Andy pulled her arm from my hold, and took a step back, "Edward let's go."

Okay I'm confusion.

I gave her a confused look, "You don't have to do this Andy."

She pursed her lips, "I'll be fine," she glanced at Edward sourly, "Let's go."

When they were finally gone, Lexie groaned frustratingly, "I so wanted to kick him in the nut."

I shook my head, "I don't understand them."

She shrugged, "Same."

I glanced at where they left, then shifted my gaze at someone more familiar.

Oh I'd rather be stolen by Eddy than see these two.

Chase and Aria were walking towards the food court, Chase holding shopping bags while new girl was eating her precious ice cream.

He never held my shopping bags..

I rolled my eyes, "Okay I think I've seen enough signs, Lexie let's get out."

She pouted, "But our food.."

I clenched my fists, glancing at her puppy eyes, oh maaan~

I sighed in defeat, "Fine."

Her eyes sparkled in delight, she walked towards subway and I sat down again.

I took my phone and texted Andy.

TIFFANY: girl if he does anything funny please call us okay!?

ANDY: I will.

Seriously, Andy and Edward's relationship is sadder that mine and Chase's.

Edward used to be Andy's bully, and by that, I meant physical bullying, like I once or twice caught him punching her! Like wtf!

But he also claimed that he has feelings for her, as if.

Feelings my ass.

Andy somehow confronted Edward about her pain and he transfered school just for her, because she couldn't stand looking at him.

I don't know a lot about them, but all I can say is that Andy doesn't deserve a sadistic guy like Edward. Seriously wassap with that guy?!

Our eyes caught for a moment but I knew I couldn't let it go, if I did it will mean that it doesn't matter to me anymore, that I don't give a fuck about them. Oh but I do.

I smirked at Aria when her eyes widened in disbelief, I stood up and waltzed my way to her, Chase was nowhere to be found, so I sat in front of her.

"Did you get lost on your way to the homeless shelter? Or were you trying to find another target? You boyfriend stealing hoe." I faked a smile. There was a salty and bitter taste in my mouth.

She rolled her eyes, "Is that all you got?"

You don't know what I got?

"Aw, you got bored of that, want me to update?" I pouted, "Alright listen slut-"

"I never did it." She interrupted.

Can this bitch shut up?

"Alright virgin choke me daddy, I got something I wanna say." I smirked evily.

Wait, what do I wanna say?

She pursed her lips, she averted her attention to my back, glancing at her left and right.

I scoffed, "Your boyfriend isn't here to help you right now scaredy cat, don't have the balls to look me in the eyes?" She rolled her eyes.

She can't even face me! What does Chase see in her?!!!!!!!

I threw my hair off my shoulder and smiled innocently, "I know something," I thought of a word, "Interesting about you."

She narrowed her eyes at me, "Yeah?"

I nodded, giggling, shit! Think of something Tiffany!

"Yep, it has something to do with your," I glanced at my left and right, I leaned closer to her and whispered, "Past."

Her eyes widened, some of the light in her eyes vanished and she stared at me with dead eyes.

Oh did I hit a nerve?

I know what it felt like to have a dark past, I gulped nervously and opened my mouth to talk, when I felt a hand grab my shoulder and pulled me harshly from my seat.

For a small tiny moment, I was going to leave it at that and forget about the situation, but then–

"What the hell did you say to her?" Chase growled.

Oh yeah now I remember why I did that..

I tried to remove his grip but it only tightened more, wrinkling my shirt in the process.

"Let go of me Chase and don't make a scene." I warned.

He clenched his jaw, and glanced at Aria who sat straight like a statue, his eyes bored in mine, "Don't ever come near her, or I swear to God-"

"Stop making promises you can't keep," I glared at him, "Let. Go. Of. My. Shirt. Or you'll regret it even more."

We had a mini glaring contest, but eventually he had to let me go, I glanced at Aria befor walking back to my table.

All that fuss for a girl...

Lexie sat there eating her sandwich while her eyes followed mine in shock, "What was that?" She spoke with her mouth full of lettuce.

I shook my head, "Nothing important, all I can say is that I hate Chase waaay more than Aria," I chuckled bitterly, "She's falling for his game just like I did, if we haven't started in the wrong page, I would've helped her by now, but eh," I shrugged, "I kinda hate her too."

She nodded, "I can't blame you. Now eat!" She demanded.


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