#12 The bang

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Tiffany's POV

I averted my eyes and stood up, slowly walking towards a table, my fingers touched the softwood, "You really think I'm just gonna open up?" I asked, a little amused.

He looked at me confusedly, "Well, yeah, that's why I brought you here."

I chuckled, "Joe it hasn't even been 24 hours since I've met you, like if you count the time from the coffee shop, and the hours we spend on this date would be a total of five hours!" I exaggerated, "You really expect me to open up to some- no offense- but a stranger?"

He didn't reply.

I sighed, "Look I don't wanna sound like a bitch, but how do you expect me to trust you? I seriously don't know you. You could be a dare devil sadist for all I know!"

He smiled in amusement, "Maybe?"

I pointed at him, "See!"

He chuckled, "I'm joking," He walked towards me, "And besides, you don't need to know a person well in order to open up, if you feel comfortable talking to a stranger, then do it! Some people don't talk to their friends or parents," He pointed out, "It doesn't matter how much you know the person, it's how much you want the person to know about you." He pointed his index finger at my heart.

"Alright Yoda, may the force also put more sense in your brain." I said sarcastically, "Get the message, Joe."

He sighed, placing his hands on his hips, "What am I gonna do with you, young lady?"

I looked at him weirded out, "Uh, don't do that. Please, just don't."

He narrowed his eyes, and sassed his way behind me, touching my shoulders, "I think what you need is a little relaxation, hm darling?" He spoke in a jersey accent.

I gulped, "Joe, you're freaking me out."

He smiled widely, "You know what this calls for?"

I shook my head furiously.


Okay, what have I gotten myself into?

I never would have thought, I'd be spending my time with my future husband shopping— and actually having fun.

Sure the accent and the attitude was kinda weird, but he was a really fun guy to hang with. Only fun. Simply for entertainment. Nothing more, nothing less.

We stopped by a shoe store first, he made me try a lot and model for him, he didn't even stare at my butt while I swayed my hips, his eyes were all on the heels.

Then we walked to a dress store and tried all different types of dresses.

"Okay turn around." He ordered.

I swirled one time, then placed a hand on my hip, giving him a pose, "What do you think of this one?"

"Hmm, I mean it brings out your figure, but it's just," He snapped his fingers a couple of times, "It's just not right."

I pouted, "But I really like this one."

His eyes finally met mine and paused, "I-I mean, if you want it, we can buy two dresses, why not?"

I smiled, nodding, "Yeah, okay I'm gonna try the last one."

I stripped off the dress, and tried on a grey colored mermaid cut dress, and walked out.

He stood up immediately, his eyes quickly widened as it studied the dress so intensely, "This is the one," He mumbled, his eyes caught mine and he smiled, "This one's on me."

I shook my head, "Oh no, I told you I don't want you paying for anything."

"Please, just this once, I want to buy this one for you."

I rolled my eyes, C'mon Tiffany, think of it as beneficial to buy some more stuff with your money. Become an economist!

I sighed, "Fine."

We continued our walk until my phone vibrated in my palm.

"Yellow." I greeted.

"Oh my God, you picked up your phone!" Lexie's voice rang.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

She took few deep breaths, "Oh you wouldn't believe what I went through! Like seriously I've been calling you for the past half hour! Why weren't you answering my calls?" She whispered harshly.

My eyes widened, "M-My phone's on silent... Why? What happened?"

She was still breathing heavily, "Dude, I went like wooosh and everything was like," she inhaled a needed air, "Woooow, and I am so pissed you didn't answer! I was really scared and after everything, I saw and heard and said! I just wanted you to know it was so nice meeting you and I'm probably going to die today." She finished.

Joe looked at me confusedly, I stopped and stared straight for a couple of seconds, "Lexie."

"Yeah?" She breathed out.

"Where are you?"

"Um, about that.." She chuckled nervously.

I took a deep breath, "Okay, just send me the location-"

"I- I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why?" I asked, getting agitated by the second.

"Well, you see, it's kind of a long story, b-but all I wanted to say is that I'll be gone for awhile, so don't worry." She tried to brush it off with a chuckle, "I just don't want people to think I didn't contact anyone after disappearing so suddenly."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean by gone for awhile?"

"Wait, is that a phone?" A deep male voice asked.

"What? What're ya talking about?" Lexie replied stupidly, "Oh this! Oh heh, it's just my period tracker, you know, don't wanna surprise you with a big red blast." She teased.

"Give. Me. The phone." He ordered harshly.

My heart started beating fast, I stared at Joe's eyes in horror.

"But I wanna know when's my next period!" Lexie argued.

I heard harsh footsteps, a lot of gasps and running, a loud crash rang through my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

Let's go. Now. I mouthed to Joe, who nodded.

We walked back to his car and I pressed hold so that they wouldn't be able to hear us, and speaker.

"What's going on?" He asked.

Another loud crash was heard.

I clenched my jaw in fear, "Lexie's in trouble."

"You'll never catch me!" Lexie yelled, then laughed victoriously, "Sucker!"

He raised his eyebrows, "She sounds fine."

I rolled my eyes, "Start driving to the police station." And he obeyed.

I started explaining, "Look, Lexie has always been a happy looking girl, she always seems fine to you, but she has a fragile heart, she gets scared when hearing ghost stories, and hates horror movies. Although she does make funny comments about them, that's how she deals when she gets scared."

"Get that bitch!" Someone yelled.

He took a shaky breath, "What do you think she got herself into?"

I gulped, "I don't know."

"Suck my nuts punk!" She fired, "Bet you can't climb, pfffft this is so fun!"

"Someone just shoot her fucking leg!"


My heart stopped.


Oh my fuck!

Lexieeeeee! You can't die now! I need you for later!

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