#24 The visit

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Tiffany's POV

I stood in front of the building with a nervous heart, hands were shaking and sweating, my body went numb yet my mind was more awake than ever before. My teeth were clattering. I took a deep breath, dad stood beside me as my hand for encouragement and to assure me that he's with me on this.

I licked my lips before speaking, "Does she know?"

His hand left mine and rubbed my back, "Yes, she's more excited than nervous."

I glanced at him, letting him know how much this terrifies me, "Do you still love her?" Or did you betray her and loved another woman?

He nodded, smiling sadly, "Yes, I still do," We started walking towards the double door, "She was the first women I ever truly loved, nothing can change that."

I pursed my lips, "Was it necessary to marry Jennifer?"

He sighed, "It was your mother's wish, she wanted you to grow up with a mother figure in the house."

I scoffed, "Yeah, you could've picked better."

He stopped, "Why? Is she really that bad?"

I shook my head, "We'll talk about this later."

We greeted the receptionist, he gave her his card, "We came to visit Leah Davies."

She nodded, typing something on her computer, "Her nurse will be arriving soon, she'll lead you to her room."

After the most agonizing wait ever, she finally arrived and greeted us with a smile, she led us to her room and knocked on the door, "Leah, Landon and Tiffany are here." She softly informed.

Dad got in first and I followed next, hiding behind him. A sound of someone walking towards us had my dad stepping forward. They both pulled each other in a tight hug.

I glanced back at the door and nodded at the nurse in reassurance, she nodded back before closing the door gently.

"How are you dear?" My dad asked, rubbing her arm.

"I'm fine," she spoke softly, "Where is she?"

Dad moved aside to give her a good look at me. My heart started beating loudly as I absorbed her facials. Dark brown hair. French cut. Olive skin. Very short and slim- I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

This is my mother...

"Tiffany?" The first thing I saw was her offered hand, I stepped back before she could touch my shoulder, her eyes looked like they were in pain for many years.

My feelings were all jumbled, but I had to stay calm considering her condition.

"Mom..." I called, my voice cracking up.

She smiled sadly and opened her arm. She wanted to hug me. I glanced at dad and he nodded in encouragement. I inhaled a sharp breath before falling in her arms.


I started crying, tear and tear kept falling down and I wasn't trying to stop them. I bet I had the ugly crying face right now. But who the fuck cares?! I'm standing in front of my real mother, after thinking she left me because of a tragical reason. I didn't care that she left me. Or that she forced dad to be with someone else as her substitute to be there with me when it should have been her. Truth be told, I'm a bit salty but happy.

"M-Mo-om.." I sobbed, "Why did you le-eave? I-I needed you so much, you should have told me the truth! I would have accepted this more than death! Please, that was s-so stupid!" I continued crying, she pulled me closer to her bed and we sat down, my face was damping her chest and shirt, even when I'm doing the last thing I ever wanted to do; crying, this is the most comforting thing ever.

"I'm sorry baby, I thought it would be better without having a lunatic as your mother, that you would live a normal life. I didn't think this would happen. You had Jennifer though? Wasn't she nice to you?" Her voice turned confused.

I sniffed, wiping the tears from my cheeks, "No, she's a bitch." I mumbled.

"What?" Dad's voice chimed in.

I avoided staring at him, I didn't want to spill the beans, knowing how powerful Jennifer can be, she scares the shit out of me, but I don't let it show, not wanting to satisfy her.

"Tiffany, what are you talking about?" Dad asked, sitting next to me.

I shook my head, "I can't talk about it, she said she would hurt me if I did." C'mon guys, get the message, she already did it before and she will do it again if I spilled.

Dad grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face him properly, "What did she do." He spoke in a dark and stern voice.

Yes, this is the moment I've been waiting for. All I need is to make myself look poorly.

I sighed in defeat, "Promise you won't tell her."

He nodded, "I promise."

Biting my lip nervously, "Remember Chad?" I mean no matter how young I was back then, I can never forget the asshole who used me.

He closed his eyes and nodded.

"She paid him to do it."

I felt his hand tighten his grip on my shoulder, wincing slightly as I felt him squeezing it, "Dad. Dad, you're crushing my shoulder. Ow!" I stood up once he let go, I heard him murmur an apology. "I know I should've told you this before, but I was being a coward and afraid of what she might do if she found out, other than that, I didn't really get the chance to talk to you since you're always so busy, either with Jennifer or work. But I'm not putting this on you, it is my fault for not speaking, I tried once and she found out, I backed off ever since then." I shrugged, feeling the loss of the weight I've been holding over the years, "I know you're going to try getting it out of her," Giving him a look and he scoffed muttering of course, "but I will help you with this plan, or else she will suspect something is going on."

"Are you okay?" Leah finally asked.

I looked at her, catching me off guard; I'm not used to having a mother in my life, and seeing her makes me feel comfortable yet awkward at the same time.

I smiled softly, "I will be." She smiled back and stood in front me, wiping my wet cheeks before kissing them.

"I am so proud of you. You managed to be such a fine strong woman without me, I don't know whether to be happy that you fought everything on your own or sad that you never needed me in your life." She mumbled softly.

I grabbed her hands, "I will always need you, whether to help me with something or to give me love or just your presence will be enough."

She glanced at her feet, "I'm sorry for not being there, I thought I would make your life harder by being there, your dad comes every week to give me an update, we always talk about you."

I looked at my dad, who was still wearing a thoughtful angry expression. I chuckled and stared back at her, "I'm not a person who holds grudges, I know how it feels when I do and it's not pretty, so I forgive you." Well, maybe I'm a bit salty but it'll go away eventually. She's here, and that's all that matters.

She sighed in relief, "Thank you, Lord." She whispered.

I pulled her for a hug before pulling back and stood in front of dad.

"Dad," I called, catching his attention, "We got some planning to do." He smirked and nodded in agreement.

Let's do this shit.


Sorry for the late update! I never thought dress shopping for two wedding in a row would be that tiring😫😴

Nothing is realistic in this story, I wouldn't be this accepting if I met my mom like that (I purple my mom btw), I wrote it because it's fun to write lmao

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