#19 The accident

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Tiffany's POV

"Are you ready?" Andy asked with an excited smile.

"Oh yeah! I'm so ready! Let's do it!" Lexie squealed.

I laughed, "Sure, why not?"

We waited for that moment, and right when it came, we all prepared for action.

"One," Lexie whispered.

"Two," Andy counted.

"Three!" We all dropped the ice cold water on Chase and Aria as they crossed the staircase.

They paused, glancing at each other before looking up. We burst out laughing at their death glares.

Lexie pulled my arm while laughing, "We should really get going-" Wiping a tear, "-before they catch us."

I nodded, smiling sweetly at the scenery of Chase calming down a pissed off Aria.

She finally let out an annoyed growl before marching up to me.

This should be interesting.

"What is wrong with you?!" She yelled once she was close enough.

I shrugged, "I don't know." Laughter was hinted in my tone.

"Why are you trying so hard interfering in my life?" She asked with a glare.

I scoffed, "I am not interested in your pitiful life."

"Oh really?" She tilts her head, "Then why do you keep appearing? Are you really bored of your own life that you want to ruin mine?!"

Why is this girl so dramatic?

"First of all honey, I keep appearing coz we go to the same school. Second of all, I want nothing from you, I just wanted to have fun." I smirked at her narrowed eyes.

"So bullying me is entertaining for you?" She asked slowly, lowering her head.

I shrugged, "Apparently." Not really, but this has always been my wish ever since I hated you.

I was suddenly attacked to the ground. This crazy mofo!

It ended up with both of us to the principle's office. Aria defended herself as I kept quiet, she was then excused to go home while I stayed.

"Ms. Davies, this is the second time you pull such irresponsible act against Ms. Bailey. Explain to me what happened." He tried to understand.

I kept my gaze down and stayed silent, he sighed and nodded understandingly, "I see."

He dialed a phone number, "I am going to call your mother to pick you up-"

"I have my car, I'll just leave if that's what you mean." I mumbled.

He stared at me thoughtfully before closing the call, "You didn't even apologize Ms. Davies."

"She deserved it."

"Did she really now?"

I didn't reply.

He sighed, "I haven't seen you act like this. You were an excellent student. What happened? Did she do something to you? Is that it? Are you holding a grudge?"

I finally glanced at him, "Yes." But then I found myself hesitating.

I was angry because she stole Chase from me, but he wasn't mine in the first place. Turns out Chase is an ass, a person I didn't deserve. If anything, she saved me from greater pain. And without him in the picture, I got to meet Joseph- who is another case, but still... why am I still holding a grudge?

"Actually-" I chuckled, shaking my head, "Nothing."

He pulled up a confused expression, "What is it?"

"I'm not mad anymore," I looked at him, "I don't know why I did that.." I laughed, damn I sound crazy.

He shook his head, "Ms. Davies I will not try to understand you, it sounds impossible. You're suspended for three days. Think about what you did and how it's hurtful to Ms. Bailey after that stunt. A nice apology letter would suffice."

I nodded, "I'll think about it. Am I excused?"

He nodded, "Finish your classes today. I'll be seeing a more improved you in three days, I hope."


"Hi!" I greeted loudly, causing Jax to jump.

"Holy sh- oh hey Tiffany, long time no see." He waved.

I smirked, "How's it going?"

He nodded, "All good, you?"


"Nice. Nice."

I tilt my head, "Why are you acting like I'm some kind of stranger?"

He chuckled, "I'm not. My head's a little busy thinking."

"Oh, about what?" I asked curiously.

"How to apologize to Chase and Aria."

My jaw dropped, "You too?"

He narrowed his eyes at me, "What do you mean you too?"

"Tell me what you did, then I'll tell you my reason." I clapped my hands in excitement. Yay, I'm not the only fuck up.

He sighed, shaking his head, "I acted like a jealous drunk last night that caused another stupid fight with Chase. I want to apologize to them."

I pursed my lips, "You should move on from your crush on Aria. That will help too."

He nodded, "I don't know how... would you care to help?"

I shrugged, "Sure. All you need is a girl that catches your attention. A girl that makes you daydream about her and want to talk to her 24/7. A girl that makes you nervous, and your heartbeat goes faster whenever she's around, or just the thought of her puts a smile on your face." A tug on my lips, "A girl that you would fight for and you would go to the end of the world just to be with–"

"Woah Woah! Hold yer horses m'lady!" He raised his hands, "I'm still young and I'm not yet allowed to be out of the house after 10 o'clock," He chuckled, "No need to go all Shakespeare on me. But I get what you mean, I need to find a girl who matches me." He grinned, "Ready to play cupid?"

I chuckled, "With everything that's happening in my life, sure, why not?"

"So, what's your reason to apologize to them?" He asked.

"Besides everything that I've done to them? Which isn't much- I threw a bucket of ice cold water on them. From the top of the stairs."

His jaw dropped, "Damn girl, remind me to never get on your bad side."

I pulled his arm towards his car, "Now get in the car, let's meet up at Friday Fries. We'll talk there."

He nodded, "Okay."


"Hello?" A whispered voice answered.

A girl.

I checked the name from the screen. Joseph. Why is a girl answering?

I shrugged, "Yes, um who's this?"

She sniffed, "It's Taylor, Joseph's mom."

Why is she crying?

"Taylor, why are you crying? Is everything okay? Is Joseph okay?" I asked, voice filled with confusion, curiosity, worry.

She whimpered, "He-He got into an accident," She inhaled deeply, "The doctor said there are little chances of him surviving."



Oh shit! Two chapters! One cliffhanger!! 

Are ya'll ready to lose a dear friend or not?😏

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