#16 The curious little creature

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Pandiculate: it's when you stretch and yawn at the same time.

Tiffany's POV

I pandiculated before going to the bathroom to refresh myself. I got out of the room and thought twice about going to the kitchen. Knocking gently on Joe's door, I waited patiently for him.

When trying to be patient didn't work, I thought about barging in and scare the shit out of him. But then I thought it's rude to barge into someone's room, specially when it's not in my house.

"Joseph," I called from the keyhole, "Can you hear me?"


"Joe," I raised my voice a little, "Morning from the other side!"


"Hmm, maybe he's still sleeping." I voiced out my thought.

I was about to walk away when he opens the door, I tried my best to look normal and not check out his sexy body.

But being the me, my eyes drifted from his tired face to his hard chest, down to his thighs.


"Good morning." He gave me a tired smile.

That deep morning voice though! Double damn!

I noticed myself staring, so I cleared my voice, "So um, you just woke up? I guess I'll see you in the kitchen." I sounded like a hyena.

He nodded, "Sure, I'll just take a quick shower and meet you down."

What if I saw Taylor? Or his creepy dad? Yeah no thanks.

I rubbed my arm, "Or, I could wait for you and we can head down together."

His lips stretched into a smile, "I never knew Ms Davies was a shy person!"

"Shut up! You'll wake everyone up." I hissed.

He chuckled, "Both of my parents are at some hotel for some business, so we're home alone."

I gulped, "We're– Alone?"

His smile fell, and gave me concerned look, "You don't have to worry, I won't try anything on you!"

You think I'm worried about you? Pfft don't make me laugh..

I inhaled, "No it's fine, I'm just.." I coughed, "I'll see you in the kitchen then." I quickly walked away.

Grow some backbone Tiffany, and do not try anything on him. This is your chance to start new.


I flipped the pancake one more time before placing it on the plate, squeezing another batter in the pan. The sound of footsteps informed me of a certain ripped hot sausage filled with manly testosterones just entered the kitchen.

For God's sake Tiffany!!

"Oh, you're making breakfast! You didn't have to, you're the guest here, I should be doing this." He stood beside me, the smell of clean shower hit me in places I wish I didn't have, "And pancakes too! Wow, you're the real deal Tiffany." He nodded with a grin.

Chocolate pancakes relieves my sexual hunger. Thank God he doesn't know me well.

"I'll cook you something else, since you have lactose intolerance."

He shook his head, "No no! It's fine, really."

"I've already decided in making you an omelette. So sit down and drink something." I demanded strictly.

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