#9 The first impression

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Tiffany's POV

I am so not in the mood for this!

I sat there, still shocked out of my mind, looking at the green eyed boy, who's supposed to be my future husband.

Even after he explained to me how he knew my whereabouts, fuck you Jen, and sat in front of me for a whole minute, I still couldn't find myself to say anything.

"You're really beautiful, you know that?" He asked, smiling sweetly.

I frowned, my mind wasn't cooperating with me, "Um yeah..."

"I wanna know more about you Tiffany. Since we're gonna be future hubby and wifey, we should know a few things about each other." He chuckled, though there's nothing really funny.

Something snapped in me.

"I don't want this." I stated.

He raised an eyebrow, "What?"

I sat straight, "I don't want any of this, the whole arranged marriage, it's just so wrong for me." I gave him an apologetic look, "I'm really sorry, but do you really want your parents to chose your own wife? Don't you believe in love?"

His head dropped down, "You don't want this."

Dammit! Why I gotta sound so rude?

"I'm sure you're a great guy, but I don't really know you, and I just got out of a relationship, so I'm pretty messed up in the head." I explained.

His eyes snapped at mine, "Oh! We can just set up a date to get to know each other!" He suggested excitedly.


"How about tomorrow at 7? I can pick you up from your house and we can go anywhere you like. We'll talk, have fun and we'll do anything you want."

"Listen Jacob-"

"It's Joseph." He corrected.


I blushed then cleared my voice, "Listen Joseph, I just got out of a relationship and I feel so messed up, my emotions are so.. everywhere! I can assure you that the date won't go well."

He sighed dreamily, "I'm sure it will," he sat straight, "So wait, are you gonna let a failed relationship stop you from having fun? Just because it didn't work out with your ex, doesn't mean it won't work out with me." He pointed out.


I inhaled deeply, "Joseph, it didn't even reach a month since we broke up, please understand that I do not like things being forced their way into my life. And no, I will have my fun, but when the time is right."

"C'mon Tiffany, just give it a try, I'm sure it won't hurt. Let the date be a friend's hangout, I won't even consider it as a date." His eyes begged.

Why doesn't he give up?!

I sighed tiredly, "Fine," I held one finger, "But put this in your head," he nodded, "I do not like you, I may not like you after the hangout, so never think that I led you on if I rejected you, okay?"

He nodded, grinning widely, "Understood. But what if you did end up liking me?"

"Then I'll tell you directly that I do like you, but till now, I don't." I shrugged.

"Oh you will, I'll make sure of it." He smiled softly.

"Um new phone, who dis?" Andy asked.

Joseph glanced behind him, Andy gave him a curious look, he immediately stood and motioned for her to sit, "I'm sure Tiffany will tell you all about me, we knew each other since birth."

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