#11 The date

409 19 6

Tiffany's POV

I looked down at my dark purple dress, then glanced at my face, everything was dark and mysterious, that's what Joseph wanted, something wild.

I shrugged and pulled my phone, I texted him about his whereabouts, he replied with a simple text, telling me to be patient.

I sighed and walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen, I saw my dinner on the table and thought about eating it.

I'm already going to eat wherever he's taking me, but at least I won't eat that much in front of him, it might scare him away.

Since when did I start caring?

I started digging in the chicken pasta, and went through twitter and Instagram until I heard the bell ring.

I got up and patted the tissue on my lips, careful not to wipe the lipstick, I walked towards the door and smiled at Gina, one of our maids, "It's okay, I'll answer that Gina." I spoke nicely.

She nodded and left. I opened the door and my eyes widened in surprise.

What the~

"Wow." His eyes drank my body, while I stood stiff, looking at his outfit in disbelief.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I asked.

He looked down at his rainbow shirt, baggy sweats and flip flops, he shrugged and looked at mine, "Why are you wearing that?"

I narrowed my eyes, "You told me to wear something wild."

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, something wild, not the devil's mistress."

I gasped, "Excuse me! It is Ms. Satan for you peasant."

His eyes twinkled in amusement, "Okay, shall we?" He offered his elbow for me to take.

I shook my head, and crossed my arms, "Where are you taking me first?" I asked firmly.

He smirked, "That would ruin the surprise."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't wanna visit the elderly wearing this!" I pointed at my outfit.

He chuckled, "We're not visiting the elderly, and you look fine. A little."

I gasped, "That's it, I'm gonna go change. Give me fifteen minutes." I fast walked with my four inch heels.

"It's fine!" He yelled behind me, following me.

"No no no! If you're wearing that," I said, referring to his clothes, "I'm going to wear something similar." I finalized.

I heard him sigh behind me, after I was done washing my face and changed into something way more comfortable, which I was salty about since I spent three hours working on my face and hair. I stepped outside.

Joseph was leaning against the wall, facing my door, so when I stepped outside, he immediatly studied my clothes.

He paused for a moment then smiled widely, stepping in front of me, "You look so beautiful with your natural face, you don't really need the makeup to cover your beauty." He mumbled.

What's up with dis guy?

I rolled my eyes, "It's called the natural look, I'm still wearing makeup, it only hides my flaws and brings out my special features."

He shrugged shyly, "Still, it looks way better than death makeup. Anywho, shall we?" He gave me his elbow again.

I accepted it this time, instead of being a stubborn bitch. We walked to his car and he drove us to a carnival.

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