Jay Jay And The Boys To The Rescue.

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DEDICATED TO AnnieGLeblanc13
HER BIRTHDAY IS TODAY, JUNE 21.  SHE BE MY BESTIE!!!!  Anyways, here's the chapter. 


"Ellie? It's Jaylen.  Meet me behind the school.  It's Carina."
I say into the phone quickly. 

"WHAT?  Okay, we're coming.  Brooke!  Let's go!"  I hear. 

I take a deep breath and turn around to face my brother and his friends.  All three of the dipwads are on the ground with Jonah, my brother, and Noah and Hayden, his friends, standing over top of them.  The boys are awake, but they know better to fight. 

Okay, here's how we found Carina and the idiots who beat her up.  My brother, his friends, and I were skipping and hanging outside, when we heard voices and footsteps.  We didn't think much of it so we continued on minding our own business.  Soon we heard noises and voices.  I heard whimpers, and asked the boys if they heard it, but they didn't.  I told them to listen and we confirmed that there were whimpers.  We decided to check it out.  The back of the school was like a maze, having walls everywhere, so we looked all over.  We were getting closer and we heard sounded like a muffled scream, and then it suddenly became loud, like a gag fell out.  The scream was so loud I swore my ears were going to bleed.  We sprinted  towards the scream and rushed into a pretty much closed in area with brick walls all around.  We saw someone throwing punch after punch while 2 other guys were laughing and holding the person getting hit up.  My brother and his friends immediately went to the boys and got them off of the person.  The person fell to the ground and I rushed to their side.  I turned the person over and gasped at the sight of a bloody Carina.  She had bruises already starting to form, and blood trailing down her cheek.  She was barely conscious. 

"Shhh, you'll be okay. They won't hurt you.  I promise.  Your safe now, you're safe."  I said, as she slightly whimpered.  By then Jonah had seen her face, and he told me to get her phone and I called her friend. 

I look at Carina now, and she's completely unconscious. 

"CAR?  RINA?"  I hear 2 separate voices as 2 figures make their way towards us.  As they get closer I can see that it's Brooke and Ellie.  Brooke and Ellie both have faces of anger, hate, and sadness.  They glance at me before kneeling beside Carina.  Ellie pushes back some of Carina's hair, and Brooke wipes some blood with her shirt.  Ellie then whispers something to Brooke and they both get a wicked smirk on their face.  Ellie helps Brooke stand and they stalk towards the boys on the ground. 

Brooke walks up to Hayden as Ellie walks up to Noah.  At the same time the girls demand "Move."  Hayden and Noah step to the side, far enough to not get in the way, but close enough to help.  Jonah stays put. 

I look around and notice everyone but Ellie and Brooke have wide eyes, all of us anticipating what's to come.

Ellie and Brooke stalk up towards the idiots, and I'm pretty sure they are the sidekicks, because the guy Jonah is guarding is smirking like he doesn't care, while the other two are scared out of their pants. 

Brooke glances at Ellie and they nod.  Three seconds later they simultaneously kick the boys, and simultaneously send a punch to their face.  They move in sync as they bend down to whisper something in their ear.  The sidekicks' eyes widen and they nod quickly.  With that Brooke and Ellie stand up and smile smugly. 

As they stalk over towards me and Carina, I hear wolf whistles from Noah and Hayden as they go back to their stances, guarding the boys. 

Brooke and Ellie sit on either side of Carina. 

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