Your Fault

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Hey guys!  Ready? 

Luv Lyds!!


What was he thinking?  Why was he even in the hospital?  I told him to stay away from her! 

I'm sitting in the waiting room, thinking about Carina.  I've come to a realization.  I have a crush on Carina.  Yes the bad boy has a crush, shut up already. Wait, she agreed to be my girlfriend! Oh my gosh I have a girlfriend. Truth is I've never had one before, so we are both new to this.

The way she was talking hurt me to be honest.  I mean, why would I be here if I thought she was a charity?   Why would my mom be so adamant about her staying with us if we all only thought of her as a nuisance? I'm just glad she's my girlfriend now.

"Jonah?"  The doctor calls.  Since I've been here more than anyone else, the doctor knows my name.  My parents had work and Jaylen and my friends don't like hospitals.

I walk over to the doctor. 

"She had an anxiety attack.  Since she woke up not too long ago her body wasn't fully recovered.  Also with news of her sister there was stress on her mind.  It seems like she's in another coma.  I'm sorry, but she may not be waking up for a while."  He tells me sadly. 

"May I see her?"  I ask. 

He nods and I bolt to her room.  She's pale.  So so pale.  Eliza sits on the bed next to her. 

"Who was that Jonah?"  Eliza speaks.

"Her father."  I answer. 

"Oh."  Is her reply. 

"Can you stay with her?  I have something I need to do?"  I tell her. 

"I'm not going anywhere."  She says as she gestures at the IV stuck in her arm. 

I nod, give Carina's pale form another once over and walk out of the hospital. 

My chauffeur, Tim, is waiting in the car. I hop in and direct him to Carina's house.

Cameron is home. He hates me for some reason, but it's okay because I hate him just as much.

I ring the doorbell repetitively.

The door finally swings open to reveal an agitated Cameron.

"Where's your father?" I growl, not giving him time to speak first.

"Why do you need to know?" He growls back with the same amount of venom.

"Because. I need to discuss something with him." I reply.

"He's upstairs in his room. The door at the end of the hall." Cameron sighs as he opens the door wide enough for me to get through.

I walk up the stairs and go to the door. I knock once before entering. I pause. The room could be elegant but it's a disaster. It looks like a tornado went through the room. On the center of the bed with his head in his hands is Marcus.

"Marcus." I demand his attention.

His head snaps up to mine and I'm amazed at the emotions I see written in face and eyes. He looks so sad.

"What do you want Jonah?" He sighs. I'm at a loss for words. I was going to yell at him and tell him to stay away from Carina or else, but it hardly seems fair.

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