You Disgusting Person

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Guess who's back?  It seems like I haven't updated in forever....? 

One last thing, XxVanillaskyzxX
since you commented like crazy I will be adding some kissing for you. 

Luv Lyds!!


I wake up to the hospital bed, Jonah's embrace gone.  I miss his warm body.  My boyfriends body.  I can't believe I have a boyfriend. But what if it's all a lie?  This is all too good to be true. 

"I see my twin is awake."  Eliza chirps. 

"Hey." Is all I can reply.  My head is spinning from all the thoughts.  So much has happened and it's starting to pile up. 

I'm in a hospital for getting whipped, I've been in two comas, I have a twin, I have a boyfriend, I'm moving in with my boyfriend, and my brother is a lunatic.  The last thought brings tears to my eyes. 

"Hey, don't cry."  Eliza says. 

"Why are you like the only person who's normal in my family?  Why would Cameron even do that?  He used to care for me, but him doing this destroyed me even more."  I start to sob.

"Hey, it'll be okay.  You won't have to see him again if you don't want to.  Plus, you're living with your boyfriend now."  She tries to comfort me. 

Speaking of my boyfriend, where is Jonah?

"Oh, Jonah is getting food from the cafeteria here."  She tells me, reading my mind. 

"Oh.  Okay."  I reply.  Just then Jonah comes in.  When he sees me he quickly puts his food on the chair and sits on the bed.  He pulls me into his warm embrace.   I snuggle into his chest, loving his warmth. 

"I-I'm sorry for my brother." I whisper. 

He immediately pulls back, a frown on his face.  I look down, hoping I didn't anger him.  He softly pulls my chin up to look at him. 

"Don't ever apologize for any person in your family!"  He says lowly.  I look down, but he lifts my head till I look him the eyes.

"I mean it Carina, they're not your fault."  He adds.

"But-"  I'm cut off with his lips on mine.  They're soft, and he kisses me gently.  I kiss him back. He pulls away, a smile on his face.

"Listen. I'm not mad at you, but I am disappointed. You need to let them go. Don't feel sorry because of their actions." He tells me softly. My eyes sadden. Cam. My older brother. How could he do this?

"Stop thinking about them." Jonah demands softly.

I look at him, and I see a fury. Not at me, but at them.

"Did he hurt you?" I ask.

"What?" He replies, not understanding my question.

"Cameron, did he hurt you."  I question.  I look into his eyes.  One thing I'm very good at is seeing if someone is lying to me. 

"No."  He says, although his eyes are guilty. 

"Tell me the truth."  I retort.

"Fine Carina.  Yes, he did."  He sighs.

"How?!"  I demand, furious at the pathetic excuse of a brother.

He shakes his head, but I give him a look.

"FINE! He slammed me to the wall 2 times, he punched me in the gut, and threw me into the basement closet." He tells me.

I'm shaking with rage.

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