The Trial

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Here y'all go. Luv Lyds!!


"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?

"I swear." I respond.

I then proceed to tell my story of what happened with Carina. Mr. Dreen and Jaylen have already gone, and now it's my turn.

"You may be seated." The judge tells me after I finish.

"Next is Mr. Marcus Davis. Please come forward." Judge Arem orders.

She makes him swear the oath and tells his story.

How he was blackmailed, how he was forced, how he hated himself, how he was soon going to go to court against her, and everything else.

"Does anyone object?"  The judge asks. 

"I object!" Andrea's lawyer shouts.  With that she calls to the stand a woman who looks like a conniving person. 

"The black mail was a video of him murdering his best friend."  She says, faking sadness. 

"I was there to catch it on video."  With that the video shows. 

"First of all, that looks edited.  Second of all, does anyone object?"  The judge states. 

"Yes, I object." My dad replies calmly.  With that he calls another person to the stand.  The video shows. 

"Rachel, does the first one look edited and the second one fine?"  Judge Arem asks her tech person. 

"Yes, your honor."  Rachel replies. 

"Very well.  First thing is first, Andrea Davis has been sentenced to jail for life.  Abusing a child in any way is illegal, blackmailing your partner, and having someone provide false information has all added up." The judge decides. I do a mental dance.

"Being sentenced to life has also come from your past. Since you've been to jail for abusing another kid while the child was under your care.  You then were let out for good behavior then you pull this again."  The judge continues as my jaw drops to the floor.

She's been there before? Holy crap!

"But, your honor-". Andrea starts.

"No buts. We gave you a warning and you ignored it. I'll give you a moment to say goodbye." Judge Arem says.

I watch as Andrea walks over to Marcus, still handcuffed. She says something, but he glares at her. Once she realizes he hates her she looks down. The prison guards haul her out of the court room.

Suddenly the phone the hospital gave to the judge starts to ring. That means something bad happened or Carina's awake. I hope it's the latter.

The judge pales and waves over my father.  He pales and and asks something, to which the judge nods.  He then looks at us with a worried face that has all of us running out of the chairs. 

We flew out of the room, and out of the building and get in our car.

"Carina woke up and then of course saw her twin.  They both went into shock but Carina is dying.  They are still working on her, but they say she may not survive." My dad says. 

Jaylen starts to cry. 

I pull my twin into my arms. 

We arrive and we rush to the front desk and demand information about Carina. 

They were able to stabilize her, but she is asleep now. 

"When can we see her?"  Jaylen asks frantically. 

"You can now, but she's the one with a breathing mask. The twins are side by side." The nurse tells her. 

She practically runs through the doors. 

I chase after her and see Carina, deathly pale on her bed.  In the room is Eliza. 

Gosh, they look so alike. 

Suddenly Eliza's eyes pop open.  She jolts up. 

"Who are you?!  Who's the girl who looked exactly like me?  What the frick is going on?"  She screams. 

"Nurse!"  I yell instead.  She looks so much like Carina, it's creepy.

The nurse rushes me out of the room. 

We walk to the waiting room and sit.  After like five minutes the doctor comes out. 

"We are so sorry for the inconvenience.  You may come to see Carina.  Eliza has been told everything."  He tells us. 

I run back to Carina's room and ignore Eliza. 

She lies there, pale.  She could be a ghost. 

I put a hand over hers. 

I jump as I feel a slight movement. 

I look down as Carina's eyes start to flutter. 

She opens them and I'm met with her deep brown eyes.  She smiles slightly as she looks at me. 

"Hi."  She rasps weakly.   

"Hey."  Is all I can muster.  She's awake!

"Wa" she tries to say. 

"Wa-er" she tries again.

I hand her a cup of water.  She drinks it greedily.  She gasps and the cup drops.  I follow her eyes and see her staring at an amused Eliza. 

"You.  You're the one who I bumped into."  She mutters. 

"Yes, and we have a lot to discuss."  Eliza replies, giving everyone but Carina a glare. 

"You should leave."  She hisses when we just stand there. 

I turn to Carina, unsure of what she wants. 

"Let them listen but not stay."  She decides. 

"Do you not trust me?"  Eliza taunts.

Carina glares at her. "If I didn't trust you I'd be kicking you out of this room."  She replies coldly. 

Note to self:  don't mess with Carina if she's in the hospital. 

"I like you."  Eliza smirks. 

"I'm not leaving."  I state, not fully trusting Carina's sister. 

"Go, you can listen.  I'll be fine."  Carina pleads softly. 

I sigh and Jaylen and I leave. 

I listen in. 

"So you're my twin aren't you?"  Carina states. 

"Yup."  Eliza replies popping the "p". 

"Welp, I'm peeved."  Carina says bluntly. 

"Me too." 

And that my lovelies is the end of the chapter.  Rest of the convo is in next chapter. 

Luv Lyds!!

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