What Have I Done?

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Okay, I know y'all are excited. By the way it will be changing point of views.

Luv Lyds!!


"Wow, such a boyfriend thing to say.  But hey, I've gotten through a lot without you, so screw it!" She yells, and then the line cuts.

I throw my phone across the room. What the heck did I just do? What was I thinking. From the hurt in her voice I know I hurt her more than she let on.

What if she hates me now? What if she never wants to see me again?

I hop off my bed and snatch my phone from the floor.

Me-Carina I'm so sorry.

Me-I didn't mean anything I said.


Me-Carina please.

Me- Carina I need you to answer me.

Me- CARINA I'M SO SORRY! I SWEAR I DIDN'T MEAN ANY OF IT!!!!!!! CAR, please answer. Please?

I spam her inbox, waiting impatiently for her reply.  When she doesn't I get anxious.  My family is going to her house tomorrow, but it's only 1 pm.  Can I wait that long?

Suddenly my bedroom door opens.  My mom stands there. 

"What did you throw?" She sighs. 

I hold up my phone. 

"Why?"  She questions.

"Cause I screwed up with Carina.  I said terrible stuff.  And she hung up and I've spammed her inbox, and she hasn't replied and I'm really worried."  I confess. 

My mom sits on my bed and hugs me. 

"Everyone makes mistakes honey.  And don't be.  I'll call Marcus.  Wait why'd you say those things?"  My mom asks. 

"Because I was mad at her for making up with Cameron."  I tell her. 

She pulls back. 

"Jonah, you know that's in Carina's nature.  You know she'd probably forgive her mother.  She's just like that.  Her heart is made of gold, and no matter how frustrating it can be, you can't change it.  I understand where both of you are coming from.  But honey, you have to have expected this."  My mom says softly. 

Truthfully I did kind of expect this, I was just hoping I was wrong. I mean he hurt me. So am I just to let it slide?

"I'll tell you what, I'll call Marcus to see what's going on. How does that sound?" She offers. I nod.

She grabs her phone and types in a number.

"Hello? This is Jessica. Where's Carina?" My mom asks.

"What do you mean she left?" She questions.

"Okay thanks. I'll see you tomorrow like planned." She says and she hangs up.

"Bad news. It was Cameron who answered the phone and apparently she stormed out."  My mom tells me. 

I flop onto my bed in frustration. My mom leaves and I groan.

I go outside and grab my soccer ball and go to the park near my house.  I text Noah and Hayden.

Me- hey guys, meet me at the park.

Boasnake- for soccer?

Me- no for potatoes

I'mAlwaysReadyToPunch- good one

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