I Officially Hate Hospitals

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HEYO!  Ready?  This chapter will be switching constantly.  It will start with Jonah's POV, telling his side from the where Jonah got mad at Carina to the hospital. 

Hope you luv it, like I luv my readers!

Luv Lyds!!

JONAHS POV (Remember this is at the dinner.)

"It was nothing, I was just nervous, and I was squeezing my thigh."  She lies. 

In seconds I have her pinned to the wall, my hands trapping hers. 

"Stop lying.  I will always find out the truth, and you're easy to read.  I'm tired of you doing this.  I don't like liars, and especially when someone is forced to lie, I hate the person who forces it.  So.  Stop. Lying."  I growl in her ear. 
I release her and leave. 

I stomp down the stairs and walk out the front door to calm down.  The door opens and my twin walks out. 

"What happened to get you so angry?"  She sighed. 

"Oh nothing, except the fact that she lied, again, even though I freaking saw her mother's nails digging into her thigh!  I know her parents are forcing her.  I mean, it's obvious.  Why else would she lie?"  I say desperately, my head in my hands. 

"I don't know, but we need to go inside.  Mom and dad are probably getting worried."  Jaylen tells me softly.  I nod and we walk in and sit down.  Carina's mother is smirking as if she's satisfied.

"Is Carina alright?"  She asks in a sickly sweet voice.  Oh that little! 

"I don't know, because she's been constantly telling me lies.  How she's fine, while my friends and family can see through those BS lies." I snarl. 

"Oh, she's just depressed lately.  I have absolutely no reason why." She says with an innocent like voice and look on her face. 

"Oh, maybe it's because she's a servant, or maybe because you locked her in her room, no food, no water, and no bathroom?  Oh wait, she keeps denying that ever happened."  Jaylen joins in with a snarl. 

"Jonah, Jaylen, enough.  Go check on Carina.  Cameron leave.  Boys, go talk about work somewhere."  My mom  hisses.  Everyone does as they're told.  Jaylen follows me as I go to Carina's room. 

As I walk in I spot Carina on the floor.  I inwardly sigh and pick her up and place her on her bed.  I want to say something but I'm still upset.  That's sugarcoating it. 

"What are you doing here?"  She spits at us. 

"Mom told us to check on you, Cameron to go somewhere else and the fathers to talk business.  She wants a word with your mom."  Jaylen answers.   

"I'm fine." She answers coldly.  My sister beside me, scoffs. 

"You may have cleaned the blood and washed it, but you're still bleeding."  She states. 

She groans and wipes off the blood, putting a band aid on them. 

"So, now I'm fine, what do you want?"  She says, glaring at us hard. 

"I want to not see a liar right now, but I guess I don't always get what I want, do I?"  I hiss, unable to keep my anger contained.   

I see her eyes flash.  "Fine!  You want to know?  For more than a year I've been verbally abused by my parents.  They hate me, I didn't do anything but they do.  Sure, they slap me, but that's punishment for dropping a dish or something.  My brother believes them, and I get threats, and even promises.  Who knows if it will escalate!  The reason I didn't tell you, is because if the cops come, they'll say I lied, they'll say I'm mental!  They don't want anyone to know, because they're so high up!  Frankly I hate my life, and I've thought about suicide!  You want to know, there you freaking have it!  Happy?"  She explodes.  I've never seen her angry before, but this isn't what I expected.  I thought she would have still kept her cool, but she gets fiercer then ever. 

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