Broken Hearts and Firey Souls

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Here you go luvs.  The povs are going to be switching around. 

Luv Lyds!!


Oh my gosh, I'm fuming right now.  How dare they come in!  Cameron with his delusional innocence, and her father!  Oh he shouldn't have stepped foot in this building!  He's did part of this, and he has the audacity to come in.  He even looked guilty!  Did he realize before or after Carina was hurt so badly?  Screw both of them. 

My mom has already decided that Carina is living with us.  She doesn't care about Marcus.  

"Jaylen, Andrea's trial is next week."  My mom tells me. 

"Okay, what's gonna happen."  I reply. 

"Well, all of us are going, you and Jonah are going to tell your side of the story.  Marcus is as well, but on our side.  Your father is the lawyer.  Also, one of your teachers are going to speaking.  Carina isn't going to be there, even if she wakes up.  She must not know about it."  She explains.  I nod. 

"Is the teacher's name Benjamin Dreen?"  I ask. 

"Yes, I believe so, why?"  She responds. 

"Because, an interaction between them is what first sparked my curiosity."  I say. 

She nods, and I go to Jonah's room.  I tell him everything. 

"Why can't Carina know?" He asks. 

I shrug in reply. 

"So, what do you think about the trial?" I ask.

"I think if the judge doesn't give her mom a life sentence he should die in a hole."  He responds. 

A laugh escapes me. 

"Me too."

After a while of talking I go to my room.

I look at Carina's and I's last texts.

Car:  wutevr, I hav 2 get redy. 

Me: k bye.

Car: bye. 

Yes I know, her name is Car.  Whatever. 

But back to the texts.  It's so normal.  Like, you wouldn't even guess she's being abused.  It's like she didn't even care. 

I decide to go onto Wattpad.  I finish several books until I look at the time.  It's freaking midnight!  I've been reading Pooa freaking 3 hours! 

I quickly go to bed. 


Why can't Carina know?  That's the biggest question. 

I miss Carina.  I miss seeing her beautiful face.  I wish she didn't lie to us.  We could have helped her before it escalated.  I also wish I wasn't so mean.  I was so mean she exploded on me, I was so mean she told us, I was so mean she was afraid to look at me.  Yes, I know it was also because of her witch of a mom, but still. 

I decide to text my friends. 

I tap on our group chat :BADBOYZZZZ

Don't judge, Noah made it.  He's the crazy one. 

Me- Whose up? 

Boasnake- what question is that?

Me- one that deserves an answer. 

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