I Could Never Be Mad At You

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Les go!!!


Carina runs out of the station, me following behind her. She gets so far ahead that I lose her in the crowd of the sidewalk. From how fast she was running I have a feeling that was her intent.

I continue to run which is hard, considering all the people trying to get through on the sidewalk. I keep maneuvering until I get to an alley.

I decide to take my chances and I run into it, finding Carina slumped against the wall a few paces away. She looks on the verge of passing out, but she manages a small smile when she sees me. I call the ambulance while I take her into my arms, her head falling back as she passes out.

What the heck happened? Why'd she run? What just happened? Will she be okay? Thoughts shoot through my brain as the ambulance arrives. They take her out of my arms and I follow. I'm in a trance, watching her go into an ambulance for the third time.

One time at the diner, another at her house, and now in an alley.

"SIR!" I hear as fingers snap in front of my face.

"Oh yes, sorry. Did you ask something?" I respond.

"Yes, I need to know your names, and your parents." A guy asks.

"Oh um, my name is Jonah Alender, and her's is Carina Davis, but she lives with us, and my parent's names are James and Jessica Alender." I answer. I also give them my parents phone number.

He frowns. "What are her actual parent's names." He asks again.

"They're the same. Like I said, she lives with us." I respond.

"Look, I need to know her parent's names so I can contact them. If she lives with you her name would have been changed. So I'll your parents and her parents to see if everything is legal." He sighs.

"Fine. Marcus Davis." I ground out. "But know this. Her parent's have abused her. She's been to this same hospital two times because of them. So if you try and take her away from my family and back to her previous home then you'll be the cause of a lot of fighting." I add.

He nods as we arrive at the hospital. My friends, her friends, and my family are already there, as they must have called them already.

I once again watch as Carina is taken to a room to see what's wrong with her.

"Jonah bro, what the heck happened?" Noah asks as he lays an arm around my shoulder. Hayden comes to my other side.

"She ran. And she's fast. She ran out of my vision and when I found her she was about to pass out. And here I am for the 3 time." I answer.

"Rough man." Is all that Noah says, in a sympathetic tone.

I nod.

We sit down in the waiting room, and I try and relax. A hand plays with my hair and I open my previously closed eyes to see Jaylen, a sad look on her face.

I hug her, letting her lean her head on my shoulder. From across the isle of chairs, where my parents are sitting, my mom tenses. I immediately know who just walked in.  I tighten my arms around my sister as Marcus comes into my sight, sitting a chair away from my father.  He sits uncomfortably fiddling with his hands. 

The guy from the ambulance says something to Marcus, which Marcus nods at.  The guy then starts talking to my parents as well as Marcus. 

They talk for a while, my mom and dad getting frustrated.  I get up walking towards them, my sister right behind me. 

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