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Luv Lyds!!


As I kiss her, she wraps her arms around.   She pulls back to breathe, making me pout.  Her lips are so soft, and smooth.  I trace her bottom lip with my finger.

"Ahem, Miss Davis, I need to make sure you're alright to leave today. You've been here long enough, you may go to school. I just have to check to make sure." Doctor Green says.

"What are you going to do?"  Carina asks timidly. 

"All I'm going to do it check your vitals sweet heart."  He answers calmly.

In response I get dragged beside her as she sits on the edge of the bed. I put my hand in hers, and notice she's nervous by the amount of pressure she's squeezing with. I give a little squeeze back for reassurance, and she smiles. Not a fake smile I've seen so many times, no, a real smile.  Her face lights up, even though it's a small smile. 

The doctor checks her vitals and gives her the clear.  He gives us some medicine and directions for her back, which still hasn't healed completely.  As he goes to unhook her from the machines she flinches.  I'll have to ask her about her fear of hospitals. 

Fears only come from experience or something you see.  You don't just suddenly become of snakes because you hear the word.  You have to know about it first. 

"Alright you're ready to go."  He says. 

I take her hand and walk her to the door.  She stops, and gives Eliza a quick hug.  They exchange words.  Carina grabs a pen and writes something on her twin's arm.  I can only assume her phone number.

She returns to my side, and we walk out of the door, and my parents join us in the car. Tim looks at Carina and gives her a small smile. She looks very uncomfortable.

"Don't be nervous." I chuckle noticing her behavior.

She blushes. "This is so different." She whispers.

I sling my arm around her shoulder. She leans her head on my shoulder, bringing a small smile to my face.

We arrive at our house and I lead her into it. It's more like a mansion, and her face is in awe.

I take her up to her room where her room is set up like her old one. While she was in the hospital my parents had some people move her over here. It's next to mine.

"Whoa. When did all this happen?" She looks at me with wide eyes.

"While you were in the hospital."  I shrug.

"Thanks." She squeaks before she runs and jumps on her bed. She lets out a yelp and groans.

"Damn that was a bad idea." She mutters.

"You okay?" I ask, concerned. She nods, but from her expression I know it's a lie.

I give her a hard look and she looks down, avoiding my prying eyes.

"Carina!" I make my voice and she flinches looking up. Her eyes are empty. Impassive.

"Don't lie to me." I tell her. She looks down.

"Gosh damn it, look me in the eyes." I growl.

"Well, you're acting a lot like my parents when you use that voice. So I'm SORRY that I'm acting the typical way when I hear that voice.  You do know my life was miserable there!  How do you expect me to react when I hear something familiar?"  She retorts coldly standing up abruptly .  I take a step back. 

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