Chapter 2

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I found myself looking over at Luke more than looking up at the board and taking notes for English.

I wonder if he can feel my eyes on him. I've been starring at him for a good three minutes now. He had his hood up and was drawing in his journal like always. I'm curious to what is in that journal of his.

"Can you stop starring at me," His voice was low and raspy. Something I wasn't expecting. He hasn't even looked at me. How could he be so sure I was looking at him?

"Oh um...sorry," I awkwardly said. I looked at the board where the teacher was writing down vocabulary words for our English test this week. I sighed and started writing down the vocabulary words on my notebook. I couldn't help but glance over at Luke once in a while. I wondered how he even passes this class? He's always too busy drawing or writing in his journal. How come the teacher doesn't yell at him? I'm pretty sure he shouldn't be wearing a hood in school and he should be paying attention but then again I'm not really paying attention either.

He stopped drawing and dropped his pencil onto his journal. He put his head down and turned a bit towards me. He looked over at me. My breath hitched when our eyes met. I've never made eye contact with him before. This is the first and it might be the first time he's made eye contact to anyone in this school. Okay that might be a lie but I swear I've never seen him look at anyone or talk to anyone before except for his brothers.

"What do you want?" He rudely asked. Somebody is in a bad mood today.

"N-Nothing," I stuttered nervously.

"Stop starring at me," He turned back around and grabbed onto his pencil. He kept his head down and began to draw again. I know this sounds creepy but all I want to do is watch him. He's so mysterious and it makes me want to get to know him and hear about all the secrets he is hiding. If he has any. I bet he does.

He slammed his pencil onto his journal and spun around so he was facing me. "I told you to stop starring at me," He growled and turned back around in his chair. He grabbed onto his journal and pencil. He stood up and rushed out of the classroom. Did I really make him that mad that he had to leave? Great now I feel bad. I didn't know it bothered him that much. I'm such a asshole. How would I like it if someone starred at me almost the whole time we were in class? The answer is I wouldn't like it at all. I hate when people stare at me. It makes me nervous and I feel as if they are judging me.

The teacher saw Luke leave but didn't do anything or go after him. I don't understand like how can a student just get up and be able to leave class early? Does that mean I can?

I stood up and grabbed my stuff. I wanted to try this out but before I could even start walking. The teacher yelled at me to sit back down and to not even think about leaving class. I sat down and groaned. Why can he leave but I can't? That just doesn't make since.

Finally class was over and now it was time for lunch. My stomach started growling as I walked through the hallways. Lara came running up to me with a big smile on her face.

"Why so happy?" I asked.

"Well, first I got a B on my history test. Second I listened to my favorite song. Third Liam talked to me and so did Jai and guess what they said," She grabbed onto my arm and jumped up and down like a little kid who wouldn't leave you alone until you gave them what they wanted.


"Liam asked about you and then Jai was all like 'Who's that?' And Liam was like 'Some cute girl that I bumped foreheads with." Then Liam did this cute chuckle and I almost died. Anyways Jai was all like 'Cute girl? You know I love me some cute girls. What's her name?" And Liam told him what your name is then Jai said 'I want to meet this Allison chick at lunch." So now Jai and Liam are going to find you at lunch and talk to you!" She let out a long breath and then smiled widely. It took me a few seconds to comprehend all of what she said. When I did. My eyes widened and I began to get nervous.

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