Chapter 16

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It was late so I just decided to stay over at the Ramsey brothers house. Of course I had to lie to my mom and tell her I was staying the night over at Lara's house. I felt a little bad for lying to her but I couldn't tell her where I really am.

"Can I ask you something?" Ashton said, twirling a piece of my hair around his finger. While I was cuddled up beside him, on his bed.

"Yeah," I mumbled, laying my head against his chest. It felt a little weird cuddling up to him and being this close but it also felt nice.

"Would you go out with a guy like me?" Well, I wasn't expecting that...

"Um, I mean yeah, I guess. Why are you asking me this?"

"I don't know. You just seem too sweet to be hanging around a bad boy."

I rolled my eyes. "Remember what I told you about calling yourself a bad boy?"

He chuckled. "Sorry, I'm just so use to everyone calling me that so I started saying it."

"I don't think you're really a bad boy. I mean you don't really act like one."

"Oh trust me princess. I am one." Ashton never acts like bad boy around me. It is kind of hard for me to picture him as one. It makes me wonder what he does that gives him that title. "That pizza was amazing but now I'm all full and ready to sleep," He moved around until he was on his side, facing me. He grinned before wrapping his arms around my body and pulling me into him. "You can sleep with me tonight. If you want to," He said, closing his eyes.

"Um, uh, I don't know." My heart was now beating fast. I felt really nervous all of the sudden. Probably because he said I could sleep with him. I wasn't too sure if I wanted to or not.

"You don't have to. I can sleep on the floor and you can sleep up here on my bed."

"No you shouldn't have to sleep on the floor. It is your bed after all. I'll sleep on the floor."

"Don't be dumb. I'm not going to let you sleep on the floor," He unwrapped his arms from around me and turned around. He was about to get up but I reached for his arm and pulled him back. "Oh," He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Just don't try anything," I gave him a serious look before turning around so that I wasn't facing him. "Goodnight Ash."

"Goodnight Ali." I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep with one arm wrapped around me.

I woke up around two in the morning. Having to go to the bathroom. I quietly got out of bed and made my way out to the dark hallway. I paused for a minute, thinking I heard someone talking. Are their parents home? Oh no what if they are? I swallowed hard and quickly went to the bathroom. I did my business and then came back out into the hallway. I passed Luke's room and could hear him yelling at someone? I moved closer to his door and put my ear up against it.

"No please stop! I can't take it anymore! Get away from me please!" He yelled. My eyes widened. Is someone hurting him!? Without thinking I barged into his room. He was still yelling but nobody was around him.

"Luke?" I called out but he didn't answer. I walked over to him to see that his eyes are closed. Sleep talking? "Luke?" I called out again. Still no answer.

"I promise I'll be good! Stop please!" Tears were now rolling down his cheeks. I frowned as I watched him. Could he be having a nightmare about his dad?

I pulled the covers off of him and got into bed with him. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him towards me. "Luke wake up! I'm right here." He started moving around but came to a sudden stop. "Luke?"

"Allison?" He mumbled. I pulled him closer to me. His head was now against my chest and I slowly rubbed his back in a circular motion.

"I'm here. You're okay now."

"Don't tell me you heard me yelling," His voice was deep and very tired sounding with a hint of sadness.

"Was it your dad?" I asked quietly, hoping he wouldn't get mad that I knew about his dad. "Are your nightmares of him?"

"How do you know about my dad?"


He sighed. "Did he tell you what I did?"

"Yes but he didn't go into detail. He said that you should be the one telling me about what happened."

"Are you going to go back to Ashton's room?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Do you want me to?"

"No, not really."

"Then I won't." I wasn't going to leave him. He needed someone to be here for him and I would gladly be that someone. "I'll sleep in here," I laid down and Luke laid beside me with his head still resting on my chest. I played with his hair until eventually I got tired and had to stop.




"For what?"

"Being here for me. I appreciate it."

"I'll always be here for you Luke. Always," I mumbled, slowly falling asleep, hearing Luke's quiet voice. I wanted to tell him to speak up but my eyes couldn't take it anymore. They closed shut and I fell right to sleep without knowing what he said to me.

What great timing to fall asleep Allison..

Anyways, I'm going to do this thing where you all can decide what boy you want Allison to spend more time with in the next update. You can comment the boys name and whichever boy gets the most comments. Will be the winner!

Don't be afraid to comment and tell me what you want! :)

Thank you for voting and commenting btw. I appreciate it!!!

Okay I'm done talking. ily bye!

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