Chapter 8

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"You're going. So get your butt over here so I can fix your hair," Lara said. It's Friday night and we got invited to a party. Shocking right? Us invited to a party? Usually never happens.

I sighed and walked over to where she is at. Which is on the floor in front of my mirror. I sat down in front of her while she curled my hair. "So what's up with you and the Ramsey brothers? Now that I say that, you are one lucky girl having all four of the Ramsey brothers like you."

"All four like me? No way! Have I told you how Luke always gives me dirty looks and gets mad at me most of the time? Liam is just being nice. He's like that to everyone so I'm nothing special and Jai is just a big flirt so he mostly likes every girl and Ashton is also a big flirt so none of them like me."

"That's a lie. I can tell by the way Ashton, Liam and Jai look at you that they like you and Luke well I have this feeling that he likes you but he just doesn't show it like the other boys do. Give him time and I bet he will start coming around."

"I don't know. I feel like Luke hates me," I frowned.

"He doesn't hate you and all done with your hair now go put on that outfit I picked out for you that's on your bed."

"Okay mom," I stood up and walked over to my bed. "I'm changing so don't look!" I warned. I quickly put on short shorts and a cute black tank top with my black and white vans. "Alright I'm ready."

"Finally! I'll text Liam," She pulled out her phone and started texting away.

"Liam is picking us up?"

"Yeah, why do you not want him to because if not we can probably take my car."

"No it's fine I was just asking."

"He said he will be here in five minutes and that his brothers will be with him."

"Luke is going to the party? Wow I didn't think he was that type of person."

"Well we aren't that type of person and we are going."

"True," I got up and sprayed on some of my vanilla perfume. I touched up my makeup. "Hey do I look okay?" I turned around and faced Lara.

"You look pretty," She smiled.

"Aw thanks so do you," I smiled back. She thanked me and then we both sat on my bed talking until Liam came to pick us up.

"He's here!" She sung and then smiled widely.

"Somebody is a little too happy."

"Of course I am. Do you realize that we are going to be in a car with all the Ramsey brothers!? Wait never mind you've already been in a car with all of them without me," She pouted.

I let out a little laugh. "Hey that was the day when you left me!" I defended myself.

"Yeah I know but I had to!"

"Come on we better get going. I don't want my parents to go outside and try to meet all the boys," I locked arms with her and we were now on our way to Liam's car.

"You two will have to squeeze in or sit on one of the boys laps," Ashton said who was in the drivers seat. No way I was going to sit on one of their laps. I would be way too nervous and uncomfortable.

"Uh, we will just try to squeeze in," I said. Liam got out of the car so that we could get in. "I thought you were driving?" I questioned.

"I was going to but Ashton isn't drinking tonight so he offered to be the driver," Liam said.

"Oh," I looked into the backseat to see Luke dressed in a fancy white buttoned up long sleeve shirt. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. He was also wearing black skinny jeans. His hair was slicked back with gel giving him a quiff. This boy is so breathtaking. It really makes me wonder why he hides himself in hoodies.

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