Chapter 14

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The talk I had with Liam yesterday just can't seem to escape my mind. That's all I've been thinking about. It's gotten so bad that I could barely focus on my classes today. I can't even remember half the things we've learned in class. I knew that I was totally screwed for my homework. Sighing to myself, I pulled out my phone to see I had one new message.

Jai: Hey loser 😜

Me: Hey, what's up?

Jai: Wanna come over to my place after school? 😏

Me: I guess...but is there a specific reason why you want me to come over?

Jai: You do some inappropriate things 😉

Me: Never mind I'm going home..

Jai: WAIT! I'm just kidding! I need some help with history again and you are my tutor so...

Me: Fine I'll help you but you better not try anything!

Jai: I can't promise anything but I'll try not to. Anyways I'll see you after school. You can just ride home with me!

Me: Alright bye 😑

So...I'm going to the Ramsey brothers house today. I couldn't help but be a little excited. Maybe Luke will be there and I can finally talk to him. I've been wanting to speak to him but he kept ignoring me all day today or he either sent evil glares at me but that was kind of my fault because I was watching him draw in that journal of his. I can't help it! I'm just so curious to what's in that journal. I made a promise to myself that I would find out soon. Hopefully today will be the day.

* * * *

Going home with Jai wasn't all that great. I couldn't even keep count on how many glares I've gotten from mostly all girls. I guess Jai really is popular with the girls.

"What's wrong? You seem sad," Jai said, sitting down on the floor. We were now in his room getting ready to do homework.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I forced a smile, sitting down in front of him. "So let's start with this one," I pointed at a question on the worksheet.

"Alright." We've been working on our homework for fifteen minutes now and Jai can't stop messing around. "Come on just one kiss," He smirked, getting onto his knees and hands, slowly crawling over towards me.

"Jai stop. Let's just finish this."

"One kiss and then I promise I'll work hard." He was now just a couple inches away from me. I put my hands on his shoulder and tried to push him back but that didn't work. He just grinned and kept coming closer.

"Jai!" I squealed. He was now practically on me. "Ah, Jai!" I turned my head to the side. I could feel his warm breath on my cheek.

"Look at me."

"No way!"


"J-Jai get away. You're too close."

"You're so fun to mess with," He chuckled. "So innocent," He said right before he pressed his lips to my cheek making me gasp. "Got ya!" He moved away from me and I sighed in relief.

"Don't do that again," I groaned, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

"Oh you know you liked it. Besides, I just gave you a kiss. Any girl would be happy to be you right now." I rolled my eyes. He's so full of himself.

His door creaked open and there stood Luke. My heart sped up at the sight of him. He had on shorts and a hoodie. Of course he had a hood on over his head like always. He glanced over at me and I smiled but he didn't. Instead he looked away. Ouch that hurt..

"What's up brother?" Jai asked.

"Liam called saying that him and Ashton got a flat tire and so they need your spare one."

"Oh damn. Okay I guess I'll call them and help them out. Hey before you leave can you-"

"No," Luke said before he left Jai's room.

"Such a rude kid," Jai got up and put on his shoes. "Stay here. I'll be right back."

"Wait what if-" I quit talking when he left his room and he said Luke's rude...he practically just did the same as Luke did. They're both rude if you ask me.

Now what am I suppose to do? I'm all alone in Jai's room. This is kind of awkward and weird. Then just like that I came up with a great idea. Nobody is here but me and Luke. Now is the time to talk to him. I quickly got up and walked to his room. I stood in front of his door, thinking of what I could possibly say to him. I stroked my chin as I was in a deep thought.

"Why are you just standing there?" A voice said from behind me. I jumped and spun around quickly to face Luke. He had a cup in his hand with a straw in it. He sucked on the straw, eyeing me up and down.

"I, uh, I need to talk to you."


"Because you haven't talked to me since the poems you written. I want to know if you're okay and I want to be friends again."

"Friends? We were friends?" He walked pass me and into his room. I followed him in and sat down on his bed. "Go ahead and invite yourself in," He rolled his eyes.

"Don't be mean."

"Why do you keep trying?" He put his cup onto his computer stand and then sat next to me but made sure to leave a little space between us. He fell backwards and laid on his back.

"What?" I asked. While copying him and laying down on my back. I turned my head in his direction. He was looking up at the ceiling. I could see his long eyelashes perfectly and to be honest I was a little jealous of him for it.

"You keep trying to talk to me or see if I'm okay. Why?"

"Because I care about you." I could feel my cheeks getting warm. He was now looking at me and I began to feel nervous.

"You do?"

"Of course," I shyly smiled. He moved closer towards me. His face only a couple of inches away from mine. He leaned in but not for what I was expecting. He reached over me and grabbed something bringing it back and giving it to me. It was his journal. No way! He's giving it to me!? I grabbed onto his journal.

"I guess you can say this is a way to tell you that I care about you too."

"Aw you care about me? How sweet," I smiled, poking him in the cheek. His cheeks turned a bright red. Aw he looks so cute.

"Don't make me take back my journal."

"Okay, okay I'm sorry mr grouchy pants," I said before taking a look inside of his journal.

Hmm what could possibly be inside that journal of his?

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