Chapter 7

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Monday morning at the gym Belle met Chris at the front desk, where as he had said, she was his guest. Matt just gave them a look and nodded when Chris said that he and Belle were going to run the treadmill for cardio that day.

"Here." Chris tossed something to her before they started their run.

"What's this?" She unfolded it to reveal a T-shirt that said BURT MACKLIN FBI.

"Burt Macklin FBI?" She asked holding back a laugh.

"Yeah, to replace captain what's his name." Chris waved his hand as if to imply Captain America was a nobody.

"Why not Star Lord?" She wondered.

"Let's be honest Burt Macklin is my most kick-ass character do know who Burt Macklin is, right?" He paused giving her a questioning look.

Belle's face was blank.

"Oh come on! You seriously don't know?"

She remained straight face.

"This is some BS." He scowled.

Not being able to hold it back any longer Belle let out a belly laugh. "Yes I know who Burt Macklin is. I watched Parks and Rec."

"Really? So, you've kind of being stalking me for years." He joked.

"Well no actually Rob Lowe as Chris Traeger." She shrugged.

"Ohhhhhh ok ok." Chris jumped up on the treadmill enjoying the banter going back and forth, "Shots fired Harper. Shots fired."

They had a friendly competition on the treadmill trying to run faster than the other. Chris of course was faster than Belle and lasted longer but she held her own. Especially as he did his best to mess her up making her laugh, telling jokes, doing impressions and being just overall goofy.

After cardio they moved on to weights where Chris shooed Matt away.

Matt huffed, "You're still paying me for this session Pratt." He called over his shoulder as he walked away.

"Sure fine, whatever." Chris agreed not paying any attention and not knowing what he was agreeing to.

In the middle of their strength training Belle's phone beeped and she looked to see who was messaging her.

"Oh Crap!" She sat up quickly from her lying down position on the yoga mat where they had been doing crunches.

It was one of the secretaries at her office asking why the light in her office was still out and had she forget the staff meeting at 1:00.

"I have to go!" She grabbed her phone and water bottle standing up quickly.

"Easy Cinderella." Chris quipped.

Belle gave him a look but couldn't help but crack a smile. "I have a meeting in 30 minutes. I didn't even realize how much time had gone by."

"Oh." Chris's face fell "Well call me later?"

She nodded and took off to the locker room. She didn't have enough time to shower so she threw her work clothes back on and left her tennis shoes on so she could run to her car.

Arriving at the Dodgers Offices she ran barefoot in the front door. Hobbling along trying to slip her high heel on one foot and simultaneously sniffing her arm pit to make sure she didn't have BO she turned the corner slamming into someone. And of course, that someone was Hunter. Hunter was the all-American country boy. Sandy blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and a baby-faced charming smile that had girls tripping all over themselves.

"Hey." He reached out trying to steady her. "Where you headed to in such a hurry?"

"Staff meeting – I'm late." Belle finally slid her heel on and shook her hair out trying to make herself as professional as possible.

"You're late for a staff meeting?" Hunter looked shocked. "You've never been late to a meeting. Not one time."

"I was at the gym and I lost track of time."

"You were working out at the stadium." He looked puzzled.

"Uh no....Allie's gym." She shrugged.

"Well Hutch is on a war path. Be prepared."

Hutch was the nickname for Mac Hutchinson the League Operations Manager Belle was assistant to. He was a big man who was very intimidating. But Belle knew him as "Uncle Mac" long before he was ever her boss. Those lines never became blurry however in the office. Mac was just as tough on her as he was everyone else. But deep down he was a teddy bear with a huge heart. Unless he was on a war path.

"Why? what happened?" Belle sighed.

Hunter held up a piece of paper. "He fined me and suspended me for a game."

"For what?"

"Being late to practice last week." His face dulled with annoyance.

"You know you can't be late for practice." Belle pointed out.

"I had a flat tire! He said it was fine last week! Walk in today and I'm out a game and owe $500."

"Give it to me." She took the paper out of his hand. "I'll get it taken care of."

"Thanks Bells." Hunter beamed.

She rolled her eyes but gave him a half smile. "Now excuse me before I'm next in the execution line."

She slid past him and into the conference room seconds before Hutch came in his clipboard in his hand.

"Thanks for joining us Ms. Harper." He said without looking up from his clipboard. "Shall we begin."

Belle's phone buzzed, and she opened the text message from Chris. It was a picture of him, still at the gym taking a selfie in the mirror flexing his muscles. Missing you already he had written beneath it.

Belle's face lit up in delight but it was quickly squashed by Hutch clearing his throat loudly.

"Want to share with the class Belle? Or do you think you could put that thing away?"

Cell phones were forbidden at meetings.

Her face flushed red in embarrassment, but she dropped her phone into her purse. "Sorry." She muttered and pulled her planner out to begin the meeting.

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