Chapter 11

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Belle didn't see Chris until Friday night. He had plans to drop Jack off with Anna and then he was coming to her place.

Allie had come over to 'help set the mood' as she had put it. She lit candles and tidied up while Belle started dinner. Belle had turned on music and it played through-out the condo via the amazing surround sound system she had.

"Whatcha making Mr. Pratt?" Allie walked into the kitchen sniffing the air.

"Steak fajitas." Belle was dancing along to the beat of the song as she continued seasoning the strips of steak. The song 'What makes you beautiful' by One Direction came on and she and Allie sang along at the top of their lungs, dancing silly, bopping around the kitchen.

"Ok I am going to go before your man arrives. Plus, I told Liam I'd stop by." Allie said once the song ended.

"Don't sound to enthused." Belle teased.

Allie rolled her eyes. "Bye Love you." She kissed the air and Belle reciprocated.

Fifth Harmony's 'Worth It' came on next and Belle turned up the volume. She continued dancing and singing as loud as she could. Killen sat in the kitchen door watching her and hoping a piece of food might drop.

'And if you don't have a clue
Not a clue, I'll tell you what to do
Come harder just because
I don't like it, like it too soft
I like it a little rough
Not too much, but maybe just enough'

Belle belted out the 2nd verse spinning around in her kitchen she let out a scream when she saw Chris standing there watching her with an amused smile on his face.

"Jeepers! Holy Hell Pratt!" She clutched her chest. "You scared the crap out of me!" She grabbed the remote turning the music down.

He cracked up laughing. "Allie let me in on her way out."

"Announce yourself!" She scolded.

"I just witnessed the greatest rendition of this song. No way was I interrupting that!"

"I thought you weren't going to be here till later. " Belle sulked. "Dinner's not ready and I haven't changed into the outfit I was going to wear."

"Belle, nothing you could change into could be sexier than what you have on right on. Unless its lingerie, is it lingerie?" He gave her a frisky grin.

Belle was wearing short gray sweat shorts and a t-shirt that said "There's no crying in baseball" scrawled across it.

"It wasn't lingerie." She set the spatula in her hand down and walked over to him. Leaning up on her tiptoes she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss. "Wait how much did you see just now?"

"Oh not much." He shook his head. "Just....Give it to me I'm worth, Give it to me I'm worth it" He sang and did a little shimmy mocking Belle.

She narrowed her eyes. "Not cool Pratt."

"And you were right." He kissed her again. "You're not any good at karaoke."

Belle gasped her mouth falling open into a grin and she playfully slapped his chest.

"Ooouuuccchhh" Chris put his hand where she had slapped him  and snickered, "You wound me."

"Welllll...."Belle looked around her kitchen, "Dinner won't be ready for another 30 minutes. What happened with Jack I thought you were meeting Anna at 7."

"She called wanting to meet earlier so." He shrugged. "Did you say we have 30 minutes of time to kill?" He bent down lifted her up and then set her back down on the counter. Opening her legs, he leaned in between them as she reached up running her fingers through his hair.

"You got something in mind?"

"I can think of a thing or two." His head leaned down, his mouth meeting hers for a soft sweet kiss that quickly deepened into a much more passionate one. Chris's hands slid up her back under her shirt and Belle pulled back.

"I'm sorry." Chris immediately apologized.

"No, it's ok. I just really like you and I don't want to move to fast. I don't want anything to mess this up."

"I don't either. And I really, really like you."

She cupped his face with her hands and drew him towards her for another kiss.

"And not just because baby you're worth it, baby you're worth it." He sang in a teasing voice.


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                      RealBellsHarperLA: #FridayNight

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After dinner they got comfortable on the couch and Belle put a movie on. Belle snuggled up against Chris her head resting on his chest and her hand on his stomach. He had his arm around her slowly trailing his fingers up and down her arm. They didn't watch much of the movie but talked though most of it.

A little after eleven Belle started to fall asleep.

"I should go." Chris whispered moving slightly causing Belle's head to bob.

"No, stay."

"Like stay the night?"

"Yeah." Belle yawned quietly and snuggled closer to him.

"Are you sure?"

"Baby you don't have to rush, you can leave a toothbrush at my my place." With her eyes shut Belle mumbled the opening lyric from DNCE's Toothbrush sleepily against Chris's chest. Chris chuckled, he wasn't even sure if she was fully awake. He kissed the top of her head and shifted so he was lying down and Belle was still snuggled up against him.

The next morning Belle opened her eyes slowly. Her back was killing her. She felt squished and she wasn't alone. Turning her head, she was face to face with Chris who was still sound asleep. The couch throw blanket was wrapped around them, well more so Chris.

"Blanket thief." She whispered. She tried to slid out of his grasp but felt his arm tighten around her.

"I heard that." He said without opening his eyes.  

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