Chapter 12

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"Blanket hog- check! Snoring – check!" Belle listed the two bad habits off on her fingers.

"I warned you." He tightened his arms around her pulling her closer to him.

"We spent the night together." Belle raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, we did."

"Thank you for being a gentleman."

"Of course, and I do apologize for what is happening right now, I have no control over him."

Belle looked at Chris with a puzzled look. Chris sighed and moved his legs a little bit and Belle felt the evidence pressing hard against her that he was extremely "happy" in her presence.

"Oh. OH!" Belle said as it dawned on her. Then she giggled. "oops sorry morning breath!" She covered her mouth with her hand.

"I wasn't going to say anything.....but...." He pretended to hide his face under the blankets but then gave her a teasing, sleepy smile.

"Say what you want Pratt. But I'm not the one whose unable to stand up right now." Belle wiggled out of his arms triumphantly standing up.

"Oh, I could stand up, but I doubt you'd be able to control yourself." He replied with a cocky grin.

"That's a bold statement." Belle pulled the hair tie out of her hair and ran her fingers through her messy locks.

"I'm pretty confident about all this." He said moving his hand in a circular motion above his lap, the vain smile still on his lips.

"Should you be?" Belle teased.

"You can come find out." He offered.

With a suspicious twinkle in her eye she flashed him a wild smile, jumped on the couch and on top of him before surprising him by tickling him.

Letting out a huge laugh Chris tickled her back until she was squirming trying to get out of his grasp and then he flipped her over, so he was on top of her pinning her down.

"Surrender?" He asked.

"Truce." She exhaled in defeat.

"Smart move." He winked at her before lowering his mouth to hers and giving her a lingering kiss. "You know what's weird?" Chris gently shoved Belle over on the couch making room behind her for him to lay back down.

"What's that." She leaned her head back against his chest under his chin.

He tucked a strand of her wild hair behind her ear and she grabbed his hand bringing it to her lips she kissed his knuckles softly.

"We've been dating for like what? A week? Barely. But I feel so comfortable with you. I've never felt like this with anyone."

"I feel the same."

He kissed her hair hugging her tight. "What's your plans for today?"

"I have to work tonight. There's a game." Belle turned to face him on the couch. "Do you want to come? You can invite a friend, I can get you some good seats. I'll sneak over and visit as much as I can."

"Can I do that?"

"I don't know, can you?" She laughed.

"Can I bring 2 friends? I had plans with Matt and Josh but I kind of blew them off when we started hanging out knowing I was going to be gone for a few weeks coming up. Going to a game would get me back in their good graces."

"Yeah I think I could swing 3 tickets." She paused, " it Matt from the gym?"

Chris nodded.

"Is he single?"

"Yeah, why you want me to put in a good word for you?" He gave her a teasing look.

"Is he straight?"

"Ok now I'm starting to get worried."

"Not for me! For Allie!" She pinched him playfully.

"Allie's not dating anyone?" Chris rubbed his arm where she had pinched him.

"Well she kind of is. This guy Liam, but he's not really her type. They don't have much in common and I thought maybe we could introduce her formally to Matt. Not just hi and bye at the gym."

"Bad at karaoke, playing match maker, slobbers in her sleep." Chris ticked the list off on his fingers.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That's your list of bad habits." He hooked his arm around her waist, so she couldn't move.

"I do not slobber in my sleep!" She squirmed, "Playing match maker isn't a bad habit."

"Trust me babe, it is."

A smile crept up Belle's face which she covered by resting her fingers on her lips.

"What?" Chris cocked his head to the side.

"You just called me babe." She moved her hand to the side sticking her lower lip out.

"Is that ok?" He gave her a weird look.

She nodded silently still smiling. "I like how it sounds." She looked down.

"Well I like saying it." He kissed her temple softly. She turned her face towards his, hesitating before meeting his mouth with hers. She slipped her hand into his hair and pulled him closer intensifying the kiss. She let out a little moan as he shifted, and she could feel him becoming more aroused.

"I should go." He broke off the kiss.

"OK." Feeling a little bit rejected Belle went to sit up but Chris held her back.

"If I don't go now I won't be able to stop." He informed her. "And I want to keep that gentleman status."

"Thank you." She said seriously looking him in the eyes.

"For what? Being a gentleman?"

"For reminding me what butterflies feel like."

He grinned and kissed her forehead.

"Let me grab my shoes, I'll walk you out. I have to let Killen out anyway."

Grabbing her shoes and Killen's leash she met Chris back by the front door. They walked out to his truck where he gave her a final kiss goodbye.

"I'll call you in a little bit with your ticket information."

"Sounds perfect." He kissed her soft lips one more time before hopping in his truck. "Bye gorgeous girl." He winked.



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                           RealBellsHarperLA: Is not getting out of bed an option today? #IthinkLastNightWasADream

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