Chapter 37

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"Come on." Allie pushed Belle's bedroom door open. Belle was laying in her bed watching Netflix on her computer as she had been pretty much every day and night for the past month when she wasn't working or taking Killen for a run.

"Come on what?" Belle groaned turning her face into her pillow.

"We're going on a stay-cation. Kind of." Allie tapped her foot.

"What?" Belle raised her head.

"A stay-cation. You can't say no. I already paid for everything. So pack your bag." Allie opened Belle's closet door looking for her suitcase.

"Ummmm....if it's a stay-cation why do I need to pack a bag?"

"Because we're staying in a hotel for the next 4 nights. And I guess technically it's not a staycation. We're going to Seaside Lagoon."

"I have to work." Belle protested.

"No you don't. You're off till Tuesday."

"What about Killen?"

"I have someone to watch him." Allie said vaguely.


"A friend."

"A friend? Who is going to be watching my dog Allie?"

"Matt, ok? But it's cool."

"Matt as in Chris's friend Matt?"

"No Matt as in my boyfriend Matt. It's fine. It's only a few nights."

"Hutch gave me more time off?" Belle looked unsure.

"Yeah he did. You've been working nonstop. And I know you need this. You're so unhappy. And I know you don't want to talk about Chris-"

"I don't!" Belle interrupted pulling the pillow over her head.

"BUT I'm going to anyway. He's miserable without you. You're not doing anyone any good apart. I know you think you are, but Belle both of you are drowning in misery."

"It's only temporary. For him at least." She added.

"I doubt it. But I'm worried about you. So I have planned us a getaway. I want my best friend back."

Belle smiled, "Thanks."

"You can thank me by getting your butt up and packing!"



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RealBellsHarperLA: Deep in thought pool side. 🤔👙☀️

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MsAllieDonovan: Mini va-cay with the bestie.  👙☀️👯‍♀️✌🤗




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RealBellsHarperLA: Best way to end the day. Love my girl! ❤️💕

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"Knock, knock." Chris tapped on Matt's front door which was already partially open. "Hello?" He called as he let himself in.

He stopped when he saw Killen jump off his cozy spot on Matt's couch to come running over and greet him happily.

"Killen! Hey buddy. What are you doing here?" Chris crouched down to give the dog a scratch behind the ears.

"Hey man." Matt walked in the living room.

"Why is Killen here?" Chris wanted to know looking around obviously looking for Belle.

"Oh yeah that.....I'm dog sitting."

"For Belle? Where is she?"

"Her and Allie went to the beach for the weekend."

"Oh." Chris stood back up. "Did you see Belle?" He tried to ask nonchalantly.

Matt nodded.

"How is she?" Chris's hazel green eyes were nothing but sad.


"Yeah?" Chris chewed his lip. "I miss her so much."

"It's mutual." Matt admitted.

"Did she say that?"

"No, didn't have to."

"I want to talk to her. She blocked me."

"Give her a little more time."

Chris swallowed and looked back down at Killen. "It hurts to see her dog."

Matt looked at Chris blankly. "Let's go for a run."

Killen's ears perked up at the word run. Chris smiled. "You want to go buddy?"

Killen barked excitedly wagging his tail.

"OK." Chris grabbed his leash, "Insult to injury right here." He muttered to the dog.

Matt laughed. "Hang in there pal. Maybe Allie will talk some sense into her."

Chris knelt to hook Killen's leash to his collar and looked back up at Matt hopefully. "Here's hoping."

If I fell (Chris Pratt fanfic)✅Where stories live. Discover now