Chapter 15

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After successfully dropping Allie off at home, with Belle's help of getting her inside, Chris drove Belle home.

He stopped in front of her condo putting his truck in park.

"Aren't you going to come in?" Belle wanted to know.

"Do you want me to come in? I just thought it wouldn't be right you've had a couple drinks...."

"I didn't say anything was going to happen, I just said to come in." She flashed him a grin.

"Ok." Chris didn't hesitate to pull the truck into an empty parking spot.

Killen met them at the door, his tennis ball in his mouth wagging his tail.

"I'll take him out." Chris offered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." He grabbed Killen's leash from where it hung on a peg next to the front door and hooked it to Killen's collar.

"Ok, thanks. I'm going to change." She motioned towards her very wrinkled skirt and unbuttoned top which revealed her cami underneath that personally Chris was enjoying very much.

Chris nodded and let Killen lead him outside.

After letting Killen use the bathroom Chris came back inside and called Belle's name shutting the front door behind him.

"In here!" She called from her bedroom. He slowly pushed open the bedroom door, but her room was empty, "I'm in the bathroom." She said from behind a shut door in the far corner of her room.

Taking a second to look around her room Chris smiled. The room was decorated in white and a pale pink. All the furniture was an antique white, her bed, dresser, night stands even her vanity. Candles were strategically placed throughout the room. And there was a large silver candelabrum that stood over 3 feet tall in front of a tall floor to ceiling mirror. Next to the candelabrum was a white faux bear rug covering the hard wood floors. The bed was adorned with throw pillows in different shades, patterns and textures of pink, silver and white. In the middle was a large pink pillow with a black silhouette of Belle from 'Beauty and The Beast' with her name scrolled underneath it. Along the shelves of her dresser and on her night stands were a dozen framed pictures of Belle with different people. Multiple ones of her and Allie, a couple of her and her dad but Chris stopped at the framed one on her nightstand. It was a very young Belle with her arms wrapped around a woman who must have been in her 30's. They were at Disneyland and Belle had a huge smile on her face that took over every feature.

"That's my mom." Belle said quietly opening the bathroom door.

Chris set the picture down and turned to Belle, "I figured, she's beautiful, you look just like her."

"Thanks." Belle blushed crossing the room she picked the picture back up. "This was my 11th birthday. It was the last one before she died. Mom and dad took me and Allie to Disneyland and we spent all day there. It was the best birthday I've ever had."

Chris shifted his feet not knowing what to say but Belle continued, "They told me a week later she was sick and 6 months later she was gone. She had this way of captivating everyone's attention in the room. Everyone loved her."

Chris nodded knowing exactly what that was like, it was the same reaction Belle had when she entered a room. He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear that had slipped from her messy bun.

"She would have loved you." Belle said with a sad smile.

"You think?"

"She loved a funny guy. A lot of people don't know this, but Daddy is hilarious. That's how he won Mom over. They were set up on a blind date and she thought he was to cocky and arrogant. But by the end of the date he had her laughing so hard she was crying. They got married 2 months later."

"2 months?" Chris raised his eyebrows.

"I know. Crazy isn't it? She knew by the end of the night she was going to marry him. She said she didn't think twice. I'm sure there's so much more to the story she just never had a chance to tell me." She yawned and sat down on her bed.

"You're tired, I'm going to take off." Chris reached out, cupping her face with his large hand he rubbed her cheek with his thumb.

"Spend the night?" She asked reaching up to turn lamp off next to her bed. The only light now was from the street light cascading through the window.

"Are you sure?"

"You can knock off the gentleman thing." She grabbed his hand and pulled him on to her bed. "I'm going to keep you."

Chris laughed and kissed her tenderly on the top of her head. "Good, I want you to keep me."

Sliding his jeans off he then slipped under the covers with her. Pulling her body close to his he inhaled the scent of her hair and wrapped his arms around her tightly. "Good night gorgeous girl."

It was a rough start to the morning the next day. Belle didn't drink, other then an occasional glass of wine, for a few reasons. One, she was a light weight and got hungover very easily.

She had to be at the stadium for a 1:05 game but didn't pull her self out of bed till 11:30. Chris took her to the stadium and dropped her off. He said he was going to go pick Jack up for the afternoon and spend a little time with him before leaving on his press tour.

Belle felt like crap and the last place she wanted to be was at work. She had her sunglasses on, even in the owners suite where she was camped out trying to avoid everyone. She had on a pair of ripped jeans and an old Dodgers t-shirt not exactly what she was supposed to be wearing when she was at games but she couldn't pull herself together.

In the middle of the 6th inning Allie called her.

"How you are feeling?" Belle asked.

"Been better, I haven't drunk that hard in a long time."

"Me either..." Belle trailed off bringing her fingers to her temple willing the impending headache to go away.

"Yeah I wanted to talk to you about that. Do you think it's a good idea to drink so much-"

"I'm not an alcoholic Allie." Belle interjected irritably.

"I know you're not. But you know that you and alcohol don't mix well together."

"I drink wine all the time."

"That's not true. You do occasionally. I don't think you should go down that road of flirting with drinking."

"I'm fine now! I don't even take medication anymore. I'm not depressed Allie, and I'm not going to go crazy drinking. Please stop trying to act like my mother. My father has that covered."

"Just because you're not currently depressed doesn't mean-"

"Just stop, ok? I'm to tired to have this conversation."

Watching the game Hunter was up to bat when the pitcher of the opposite team purposely hit him with the pitch. Hunter paused before throwing the bat down and started walking towards the pitcher's mound.

"Ah shit, I gotta go." Belle threw her phone down and raced down to the field.

If I fell (Chris Pratt fanfic)✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ