Chapter 30

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Monday it was back to reality and Belle wistfully stared out the window at the farm growing smaller and smaller as the car took them to the airport.

"You ok?" Chris reached across her lap taking her hand in his and squeezing it affectionately.

Belle nodded, "Yeah. I just don't want to leave."

"Me either." He admitted. "But we'll be back soon. I promise you."

Arriving home fairly early Monday afternoon, Belle had an idea of how to end their mini-vacation.

"Do you think we could pick up Jack tonight?" She asked as she unpacked her bag.

"Yeah, I'm sure Anna wouldn't mind. What you got in mind?"

"Maybe taking him to tonight's game?" She proposed.

"I think that's a great idea! He'll love that. And he'll love to see you."

Belle smiled happy with her plan.

They picked up Jack and went to the stadium for the game where instead of working Belle was able to enjoy watching the game like a regular fan.

"Do you think he's having fun?" Belle whispered to Chris during the 5th inning.

Chris turned to look at her with a warm smile. "He's having a blast. And I think you're amazing for doing this for him." He kissed her quickly.

As if he had heard them, which Belle was pretty certain he hadn't, Jack turned to Belle with a huge grin on his face. Reaching up her threw his arms around her neck. "Thanks Belle! I LOVE baseball!"

Belle laughed and hugged him back. "Here, let's get a good picture" She pulled her phone out and snapped a picture of the 3 of them.

"You gonna post that?" Chris wanted to know peering over her shoulder looking at her phone.

"No. I don't want to share this moment with anyone else." She smiled fondly at the picture.

Chris was leaving for Atlanta the following Sunday. Spending as much time together as they could before he left, Belle did her best to prepare for his departure as well as the weeks they would be apart. They hadn't been in the press as much lately and that helped her nerves. The weekend trip to the farm was a huge help in getting her to feel more secure about her and Chris's relationship and it had helped get her anxiety in check. But being back in the real world she couldn't help but feel the pull of alcohol and the escape it would give her.

The night Chris left, Belle clung to him tightly.

"Hey my gorgeous girl." He chuckled gently prying her off of him so he could see her face. "I will be back before you know it. And if I get any kind of extended break I'm on the first plane back to you, ok? You're going to be fine. We're going to be fine."

"I know." Belle tried to wipe the tear from her eye before it trickled down her cheek. "I'm just so use to being with you. I'm gonna miss you. A LOT."

"I'm gonna miss the hell out of you. But we'll facetime every day. All day. I'm one phone call away. Unless I'm filming but you just keep calling me till I answer ok?"

Belle smiled sadly at him. "You're too sweet. What would I do without you?"

"You'll never have to find out." He tilted her chin up and kissed her softly. "I love you more than.....a fat kid loves cake."

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