Chapter 49

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A/N  THE WEDDING! Oh my goodness. There was a lot of pressure on this. So go easy on me lol. I love Belle and Chris so much. I hope I was able to portray exactly what I felt while writing. Thanks to all who read, vote and comment.....enjoy!

Chris nervously fumbled with the cuff-links on his sleeve. He could hear the ukulele and piano's rendition of 'A Thousand Years' and knew that was his cue, along with Cully who was of course his best man, to make their way to the alter inside the rustic, gorgeous farm house at the Lombardi House.

Cully reading Chris's nervous body language grinned at him and gently slapped him on the shoulder, "You got this man. Just look at her."

Chris nodded with a swallow as the minister stuck his head in the door motioning for Chris and Cully to follow him.

Chris walked to the alter glancing around at the rows of people that he loved most in the world. People that he and Belle had invited to share their special day with. Cully leaned forward grabbing Chris by both shoulders and gave him a little shake. Chris grinned still completely nervous but felt some of the edge come off.

First to be seated was Chris's mom accompanied by Matt. Chris winked at his mom who was dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. Mac and Sylvia came next and were followed by the flower girl, the granddaughter of one of Kathy's closest friends and Jack who was of course the ring bearer. Instead of Jack carrying a pillow with faux rings he carried a sign that said Just wait till you see her.

Chris grinned and gave a little wave to Jack who excitedly waved back.

Next came Allie who looked beautiful in a deep blue cocktail length bridesmaid dress. Her hair was in a simple fishtail braid with a bright orange tiger lily behind her ear. She smiled widely at Matt before turning towards Chris and giving him a 'just wait' look.

The music changed to 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' led by the ukulele and Chris had to take a deep breath. He closed his eyes for a moment to prepare to see his bride.

Opening his eyes, he couldn't help but gasp. Belle looked stunning. More beautiful then she had ever looked before. The dress fit her every curve, but she looked beyond elegant. Her dark hair was pulled back in a simple braided bun but she, like Allie, had a bright orange tiger lily behind her ear. Chris's eyes met Belle's and he mouthed "Wow". He could feel the tears welling up in his own eyes and cleared his throat looking away for a second.

Belle and Nick reached Chris and the ceremony officially began.

"Good Evening everyone." The minister began. "We are joined here together this evening at the lovely Lombardi House to witness this beautiful moment between Chris and Belle. Today they will join their lives in the union of marriage. Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"

"I do." Nick said. He turned to Belle and kissed her cheek before hugging her gently but tightly. "Love you my sweet girl." He whispered in her ear.

"Love you daddy." She kissed his cheek before he placed her hands in Chris's.

"Thank you." The minister continued. "Looking out at all of the guests who have gathered here, Chris and Belle are happy to share this moment with you. Many of you they have known for years, whether you went to school together, worked together or you watched them grow up. Because you are the ones who have supported them and know them so well it is only fitting that you are their honored guests today as they make this once in a lifetime commitment to each other. And so it is that Chris and Belle present themselves to be married today surrounded by the people they love the most."

Chris squeezed Belle's hand as he looked over at her. He was blown away at how very much he was in love with her at this moment.

"We come now to the words that I am sure Chris and Belle are most anxious to hear this evening. The words that will take them from being an engaged couple to being married as one being. Before we begin Chris do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Belle in marriage? If so, say 'I do'."

"I do." Chris repeated.

"Belle do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Chris in marriage? If so, so 'I do'."

"I do." Belle smiled.

"Chris and Belle having heard it is your intention to be married to each other, I now ask you to declare your marriage vows. Please face each other and hold hands."

Chris and Belle did so as the minister continued.

"Chris repeat after me. 'I Chris take you, Belle, to be my wife'."

Chris repeated line after line of the marriage vows then the minister turned to Belle.

"Belle repeat after me, 'I Belle take you, Chris, to be my husband'."

Belle couldn't hold in the tears that rolled down her cheeks as she recited her vows to the love of her life. At one-point Chris reached up and wiped the tear away with his thumb.

"The exchange of wedding rings represents the vows and promises the bride and groom have exchanged. They signify to the world that they belong to someone special and someone special belongs to them. Chris repeat after me. 'I Chris take you Belle, to be my wife. I will share my life with yours, and build are dreams together, support you through times of trouble, and rejoice with you in times of happiness, I promise to give you respect, love and loyalty. This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope and made new every day in our lives'."

Chris repeated as he slid the ring over Belle's finger and then she reciprocated by doing the same.

"Chris and Belle you have expressed your love to one another through commitment and the promises you just made. It is with these in mind that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You have kissed a thousand time, probably many more. Today however the feeling is new. No longer just simply partners and best friends you are now husband and wife. Today, your kiss is a promise. Chris, you may now kiss your bride."

Chris grinned widely as he took Belle into his arms to give her her first kiss as Mrs. Pratt.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you for the first time anywhere, Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Belle Pratt.

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