Chapter 26

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Full of frustration and completely exhausted Chris pushed open his hotel room door after finishing all his press for the day. Checking his phone for the time he sighed heavily realizing it was 9:00 PM New York time but only 6:00 according to his body. But after his argument with Belle earlier in the day all he wanted to do was get back to his hotel room and go to sleep. Now that he was finally there though, sleep evaded him. He had gone out to eat after his last press stop, only pushing the food around on his plate. Laying down on the hotel bed he grabbed the menu for room service looking over it hoping something would strike his appetite. He knew he should call Belle. He had behaved like an ass. But his stubborn pride wouldn't allow him to. When Matt had called him last night and told him how drunk Belle was and who she was with, his blood had boiled with jealously. And when he couldn't get a hold of her last night and was certain she had missed him on Fallon his ego was a bit bruised. But besides that his feelings were just simply hurt that she had chosen to go out drinking with her ex instead of watching him on The Tonight Show. It seemed a little silly in hind sight he had to admit. And he couldn't help but go back and forth between being jealous that she was with Hunter and being hurt that she had missed the show.

Tossing the room service menu back on the end table he decided to just get a burger and a beer and try to call it a night. He picked up his phone and Belle's beautiful smile in the photo of the 2 of them he had set as his wallpaper just made his heart ache. How badly he wanted to be with her instead of in this lonely hotel room and it's mind numbing silence. He flipped the tv on and channel surfed before stopping on some fishing program on a nature station. He only lasted 15 minutes before he couldn't take it any longer and called Belle.

At 9:30 that morning, 5 minutes after Belle had walked into the door at work she turned around to go home. She knew between being hungover and her fight with Chris she was useless at the office. She went down to Hutch's office and explained to him that she was still fighting a bug and needed to go home. Hutch knew she was hungover and was certainly not sick. But he allowed her to go. Belle waited for the elevator and when they opened Hunter stepped out.

"Hey." He gave her a pathetic smile.

"Hi." She mumbled.

"You going home?" He said noticing her purse and laptop bag both slung over her shoulder.

Belle nodded miserably. "I threw up most of the night."

"Crap Bells. Guess we're not as young as we use to be."

"Guess not. What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you." he admitted.


"I need to apologize for last night. You know I can be a jerk when I drink."

"That's ok." Belle waved him off. "We all had too much to drink last night.'
"I shouldn't have kept buying you shots though and egging you on to drink. I know it's a sensitive area." He looked down.

"I'm a big girl Hunter, I knew what I was doing."

"I know but I don't like being the one who was engaging you to do it."

"Thanks for the apology."

Hunter nodded. "Sure thing Bells." He stepped aside so she could climb onto the elevator.

Belle had gotten home and went straight to bed. She slept all day and when she finally got up a little after 6 she noticed her phone buzzing on her night stand.

Chris's name flashed across the screen. She was still too angry and shocked to talk to him so she sent it to voice mail and turned over to go back to bed.

By Friday Chris still hadn't been able to reach Belle. She kept sending him to voice mail and he knew he had screwed up. She must be extremely angry to not speak to him the entire week.

Friday night Belle laid on her couch watching a movie with Killen snuggled next to her. A little after 9pm her doorbell rang sending Killen into a barking fit.

A little scared Belle slowly padded through the living room and down the hallway to her front door. Peeking out her peep hole her heart skipped a beat.

She swung open the door, "Chris! What are you doing here?"

"You wouldn't answer my calls. I got an earlier flight."
" A day earlier."

Chris shrugged. "I had to see you. You wouldn't talk to me." He sounded so low. "I'm idiot."

"Continue." Belle leaned on the door frame.

"I was jealous and hurt when I found out you were out drinking and Hunter was there. And I'm just gonna say it I don't like Hunter."

Belle bit back a smile as Chris continued. "I should have never said what I did about him getting in your pants. That was such a douche move."

"It was." Belle agreed.

"I've missed you so much this week. I would have come home sooner had I been able to. Please forgive me." He stuck his lower lip out.

Belle pursed her lips making him sweat it out a little bit.

"Did you come straight from the airport?" She looked down at his suitcase at his feet.

Chris nodded.

"I don't know...." She pretended to think. "You hurt my feelings pretty bad to."

"I will spend forever making it up to you." He pledged taking her hands in his.

Something about his touch always sent a jolt through Belle like electricity and she knew she wouldn't be able to keep up the facade.

"Get in here." She yanked on his hand pulling him towards her in the front door.

He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up spinning her around before setting her back down.

"I love you." He whispered huskily into her hair.

"I love you to."

"And I really mean it. I'm so sorry for what I said. Being jealous isn't an excuse for me to talk to you like that."

"I forgive you." She tilted her face up to kiss him softy.

"I've waited all week to do this." He kicked the door shut with his foot and scooped her up into his arms.

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