Chapter 22

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Belle and Chris fell into a certain kind of comfortable with each other over the next few weeks. Spending most evenings together, slowly spending more and more time with Jack. Belle was happier than she ever could have thought possible. Chris felt whole again. Belle had made him feel able to love again and he was head over heels for her.

The closer summer approached the closer it was time for Chris to go out and promote Jurassic World. He wouldn't be gone over seas as long, most of his press was in the states. Belle had started a healthy, well un-healthy, relationship with alcohol. She was drinking most nights, telling herself it was to calm her nerves and help her sleep.

Chris left for England on a Saturday evening, he would be back in California in a week and Belle felt she could handle this separation easily. That was until a headline broke Monday afternoon connecting Chris with his Avengers, selfie queen, co-star. Apparently, he had run into her in England and the paparazzi got a few pictures of them together. She even posted on her Instagram that she had "bumped" into him. Belle read and then re-read the headline and story as she sat at work. Chris definitely didn't tell her he had seen any fellow Guardians/ Avengers Co-stars.

She picked up her phone punching his name on her screen she listened to it ring and waited for him to answer.

It went to voicemail and she debated trying again but didn't. She set her phone back down and chewed on the end of her pen cap.

Leaving work at 5:00 she still couldn't get a hold of Chris. She got home and took Killen for a long run, still nothing.

When she got back at her house she pulled the wine out. She chewed her lip debating. "Screw it" She put the wine back and grabbed the vodka and poured a shot. And then another. 45 minutes later she was 4 shots in and sipping a glass of wine when her phone finally rang.

"Hey babe!" Chris's voice sounded muffled.

"Hey." She said her voice void of any emotion.

"You ok? I saw you called. It's been a crazy day!"

"Has it?"

"Yeah sitting in a junket all day. Are you ok?" he asked again, "You sound funny."

"Weird. So do you."

"Me? I'm in the car driving back to the hotel."


"Yeah of course alone. What's that supposed to mean?"

"Saw you ran into some friends over there."

"Karen?" Chris sounded puzzled.

"So you know exactly what I'm talking about then." The alcohol was making her braver then she needed to be.

"Well yeah I mean I saw her last night....are you upset?"

"Should I be?"

"No." He was quiet for a minute. "You know I don't see anyone but you."

"Don't you?"

"Belle.... I'm head over heels in love with you. You know that."

Belle was silent.

"It's late why don't you go to bed."

"What are you doing out so late?"

"We grabbed dinner afterwards. It's been a long day. What's with the 20 questions?"

"Nothing. Enjoy the rest of your evening." She threw her phone down. Standing up from the couch she went into the kitchen for another refill of wine.

Chris starred at the phone in his hand shocked. It didn't sound like his Belle. She seemed off. He couldn't imagine she was insecure about their relationship. He tried to call her back, but she sent it to voicemail. He tried 3 more times before finally giving up and going to bed.

Belle woke up feeling like crap the next morning. She couldn't tell if she was hungover or sick. She managed to drag herself to work but Hutch knew something was up right away and called her into his office.

She prayed for the earth to open up and swallow her whole when she walked into Hutch's office and saw her dad was sitting there as well.

"Hey." She tried to sound normal as possible plastering a smile on her face.

"Hi honey." He dad smiled warmly. "You feeling ok? You look like you're under the weather or something."

He reached out to feel her head with the back of his hand.

Belle shook her head. "I think maybe I have a bug."

Hutch raised an eyebrow he clearly wasn't buying it. She glanced at her dad whose face was just full of concern.

"Today's a double header. I was going to give you the option of afternoon or evening game but if you're sick...." Hutch trailed off.

"I'm fine." Belle shook it off. "I can go to this afternoon's game, no problem."

"OK. You sure there isn't anything else going on?" Hutch asked his eyes boring into her.

"Everything is perfect." She gave a fake smile and made her way out of his office as quick as possible.

A little after lunch she was on her way to the stadium when Chris called her. She hadn't talked to him since the night before. Her head was pounding, and she wasn't sure what to say to him, so she ignored his call.

Chris sighed slipping his phone back into his pocket. He couldn't figure out what was going on. But he needed to fix it. Pulling his phone back out he googled the local Los Angeles florist and hit the call button.

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