Chapter 34

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Chris got back to LA a whole hour earlier then he had planned on the following day. He was so excited to be home and now on his way to Belle's house. He had tried to call her last night and this morning but it kept going to her voice mail. He knew she had to work that evening at the baseball game but getting in early meant he could catch her before she left.

He could barely contain his excitement as he skipped up the steps to her condo. With a huge grin on his face he knocked on the door.

Moments later Belle opened the door. She looked like hell. Her face was swollen as if she had been crying. Her hair was a tangled mess pulled up off her face. She had on his old sweatshirt that he knew she loved but her eyes looked cold and distant.

"Hey, ok?" Chris took a step towards her but she pulled back not allowing him to touch her.

"What's wrong?" He immediately became concerned.

"You're home early." She didn't sound like herself.

"Yeah I caught an earlier flight. I couldn't wait to see you." He reached out for her again but she backed away with more force this time.

"Why won't you let me near you?" His mouth turned down, his eyes showing how hurt he was.

"I saw how you look at her." The words slurred out of Belle's mouth. She walked away leaving the front door open, Chris standing there. "It's the same way you use to look at me."

"What? I still look at you the same way I always have" Chris scratched the back of his head confused he came into the condo and shut the door behind him. "Belle I think you're perfection" he reached out for her again but she dodged his grasp. "I didn't look at anyone the way I look at you. Who? What are you talking about?"

Belle snorted "Did you forget I've been down this road? I've been cheated on and then humiliated."

"Cheated on? Belle." he grabbed her hand this time he didn't let her yank away. "I would never cheat on you. I love you."

"So did Hunter." She yanked her hand free with a little more force then necessary causing her to slam back into the end table knocking a picture frame off from it, where it shattered into a million glass pieces.

Belle looked at the frame and then at Chris. Her eyes still so cold and distant.

"What's going on Bells?" Chris's voice was strained.

"You just broke my picture frame." She said through gritted teeth

"I'll clean it up." He offered

"No. I'd rather you leave."

"Leave? I don't understand."

Belle bent down to start picking up the shattered glass, but she stumbled back landing on her butt which sent her foot flying out from underneath her. Her foot then caught a piece of the glass and it sliced the bottom of her foot wide open.

"Shit. Let me help you" he tried to help her but she refused. He did get close enough to her to get a whiff of the alcohol on her breath.

"Are you drunk?" He asked. A look of shock crossed his face.

"No!" She snapped. Pushing herself up, blood trickled down her leg from another cut the glass had given her.

"Yes you are." Chris looked at the kitchen counter where an empty bottle of wine and a few empty beer bottles sat next to a partially full beer."Why are you drinking like this? And why would you think I would ever do anything to hurt you?"

"Because everyone does. And you expect me to believe that you aren't sleeping with her?" The hot tears stung her eyes before spilling over her cheeks.

Chris's heart contracted as he watched this girl who he loved so much start to break down in front of him. And apparently, he was to blame.

"No Belle I'm not. I'd never do that to you. Ever." He reached out trying to steady her.

"I don't believe you." She hissed. "Now get out of my home before I call the cops"

"What?" Chris's head started to spin. "Please don't do this" his voice cracked.

"I didn't do this. You did this. Get out."

"Belle." He pleaded.

"Get out!" She screamed.

Chris slammed his truck door shut. "Dammit!" He smashed his fists onto his steering wheel. Grabbing his phone he scrolled through his contacts until he came to Allie's number.

"Hey Pratt." she answered on the 3rd ring.

"Somethings wrong with Belle" he croaked.

"What? What are you talking about? Where is she?"

"She's home. And she's drunk. Wasted."

"No." Allie cursed "What happened?!"

"I don't know I just got home. My flight landed 2 hours ago and I went straight to her condo. She's been acting a little distant on the phone the past few nights but I didn't think anything....she's been drunk." The realization hit him. "She's been drunk every night." He repeated barely above a whisper.

"I knew this was going to happen."

"What? What is happening? Allie she accused me of cheating on her. She threatened to call the police if I didn't leave. You have to go over there"

"Trust me if I go over there it'll be worse. Let her sleep it off."

"No. No way" Chris shook his head "She's not ok! What is going on?"

Allie sighed before telling him everything. She told him how Belle had struggled with depression, and how she always turned to alcohol to fix things. How she had been on depression medication but stopped taking it. Allie admitted she hadn't talked to Belle the night before and Chris hadn't either. He couldn't figure out what had caused her to turn on him.

"Ok," Allie finally said, "Google yourself."

"What?" Chris asked.

"Just do it."

Chris did as he was told and saw the photos of him from the other night in Atlanta.

"Oh crap." He sighed. "I didn't tell Belle."

"Why?" Allie snapped.

"I knew she'd get upset. I didn't think any pictures would get out. I was only there 45 minutes. Not even long enough for me to tell her I was out really. I have to talk to her."

"Let her go for now." Allie suggested. "If she's drunk she'll be unreasonable."

"I cannot believe I've not noticed how serious this is. I mean I knew she used the drinking when she was feeling anxious. I've been trying to get her to go easy. I didn't know it was this bad."

"She's good at hiding it." Allie offered sympathetically.

"Apparently......well I'm not leaving. I'll sit out here all night until she talks to me."

"Chris, give her some space. I promise you I will check on her. I will talk to her." Allie said gently.

Chris sighed but agreed. "Ok. Promise me you will call me as soon as you talk to her."

"The second I can." Allie swore.

"Thanks Allie."

"Thank you Chris. I know how much you love her. I know you didn't do anything. She's a little bit broken on the inside but you've been the best thing that has ever happened to her. She knows it to."

"I hope so......I hope so." Chris stared longingly out his window.

If I fell (Chris Pratt fanfic)✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن