Chapter 45

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Belle leaned her head back against the plush airplane seat. She had been on more flights in the past 6 months then she had in her entire life. Glancing down at the seat next to her where Jack was preoccupied with an iPad and a pair of headphones she smiled. She looked up at Chris who also had earbuds stuck in his ears and his hat pulled down over his eyes trying to sneak in a cat nap on the quick flight to Washington. It was 2 days before Christmas and they were flying to spend it with Chris's family. Belle had met her future mother-in-law, Kathy Pratt, once back in September. She was the sweetest, kindest person with the biggest heart. Of course, at that time Kathy had just her boyfriend's mother and not her soon to be mother-in-law. Belle had met Chris's brother Cully a handful of times and was comfortable enough around him. Like Kathy, Cully had made Belle feel like a part of the family. She hadn't met his sister Angie yet and knowing that Kathy and Angie were picking them up at the airport had her stomach in knots. She looked down at her leggings, black bear paw boots and the oversized Dodgers sweatshirt she had on. She suddenly felt very sloppy, this is what she had decided to wear to her soon to be in-laws? Granted their flight had left at 7 am and they had been at the airport early. She tugged the hair tie out of her hair shaking it loose hoping it looked presentable and not like a rat's nest. Sighing she looked out the window. Jack shifted in his seat with a yawn and he laid his head against Belle's arm. He looked up at her with a big smile before closing his eyes. She smiled back tousling his hair.

"GRAMMA!" Jack took off running through the airport towards Kathy and who Belle assumed was Angie.

Chris looked over grabbing Belle's hand he gave her a huge grin and a wink.

"Hey Mom." He released Belle's hand to give his mom a hug.

"Hi honey." She squeezed him tight and then turned to Belle. "My goodness Christopher, this girl is so much more beautiful then I remember." Belle blushed as Kathy hugged her to.

"This is my sister Angie, Angie this is Belle." Chris did a quick introduction.

"I'm so glad I finally get to meet you!" Angie pulled Belle into a hug.

"Me to." Belle smiled embracing her back.

"Aunt Angie, Belle has the best dog in the whole world! And as soon as Daddy and Belle get married he's gonna be my dog to!" Jack said excitedly.

"Is that right?" Angie bent down to pick him up. "I think you've grown a whole foot since I've last seen you!" She kissed his cheek.

"I'm stronger to!" Jack made a muscle, "I've been working out with Dad." He said proudly.

"Have you? I'm impressed." Angie winked at Chris and Belle.

Following behind Kathy, Angie and Jack, Chris slung his arm around Belle's shoulder bringing her close to his side.

Wrapping her arm around his waist she sighed contently as he kissed the top of her head.

Christmas Eve felt like a whirlwind. They were staying at Kathy's house and the morning had started off slow but by 4:30 family members started to arrive, and the house was soon filled with family, and friends of the family for a huge Christmas Eve dinner. The dining room table had been extended to fit as many as possible. The kids had their own table off to the side and Belle had to take a moment to take it all in.

"You ok?" Chris chuckled walking up to her handing her a coke.

"Yes." She said slowly. "This is nuts. So many people. Christmas Eve is me and my dad. And Allie most of the time." She added.

Chris laughed. "I hope that you're enjoying yourself. Mom is going crazy with you here. She adores you."

"I really like her to. And Angie. I feel at home."

"Good, this is home."

"I hope Daddy's ok." Her brow furrowed.

"What's he doing tonight? You said it's usually just the two of you."

"He's at Hutch and Sylvia's. I'm going to call him a little later."

Chris nodded.

"Hey y'all in for cards?" Cully called from his seat at the dining room table across the room.

Chris turned to Belle.

"Hell yeah." She agreed.

Christmas morning Jack woke the house up bright and early. Thankfully Kathy was already up and had started a pot of coffee which Belle graciously accepted a cup as they made their way to the Christmas tree.

There were so many gifts under the tree that Belle had to rub her eyes a few times, it seemed surreal. Most were for Jack of course. And many were for family members coming over later.

"This is for both of you." Kathy handed Chris and Belle a small wrapped box.

Belle raised an eyebrow and Chris motioned for her to unwrap it.

She delicately removed the wrapping and then the lid. Inside was a beautiful personalized Lenox bride and groom ornament.

"Oh it's gorgeous." Belle breathed.

"Now, I know you aren't married yet but..." Kathy shrugged. "The date says your wedding date, May 25th." She pointed.

"I love it." Belle smiled.

"Should we put it on the tree?" Chris asked.

Belle nodded, standing up she carefully found a spot and placed the ornament on the tree. Then turned back to Chris who gave her a little smile.

Christmas night was another huge Christmas dinner and opening more gifts with extended family. The night ended with Belle and Chris snuggled on the couch watching 'It's A Wonderful Life', a fire roaring in the fireplace and Jack sound asleep on the floor in a mountain of blankets and pillows.

"This has been perfect." Belle kissed Chris's neck softly.

"Baby this is just the beginning." He lowered his mouth to hers for a slow soft kiss.

If I fell (Chris Pratt fanfic)✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt