Chapter 13

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After walking Killen Belle had gone back to bed in her bed for a little while. She had finally got up and went to run some errands that she needed to get done before working that night. She was counting down the hours till she'd see Chris again, thrilled he was coming to the game.

While she was out and about at the grocery store her phone buzzed in her purse. Pulling it out a smile lit up her face when she saw it was a text from Chris

PRATT😍❤️: Hey beautiful. What are you doing?

                                                                                                                     🤤 Bells🤩: Grocery Shopping. You?


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Pratt😍❤️: Fell back to sleep – Just got up. PS: That looks like wine shopping

                                                                   🤤                                                                                                                Bells🤩: I hate you

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                                                                   🤤 Bells🤩: I hate you.

Pratt😍❤️: I don't think that's true. I think you kind of like me. Plus I told you I'd get you back.

                                                                    🤤Bells🤩: Oh so this is a competition now?

Pratt😍❤️: It is if you think you can win.

                                                                   🤤Bells🤩: Bring it Pratt

Giggling she put her phone back in her purse and continued her shopping. After dropping her groceries off at home she called Allie asking if she wanted to meet at the mall.

"I'm always up for a trip to the mall. Why we are going?" Allie questioned.

"Just want to look for a new outfit." Belle said casually.

"Does this have to do with Chris?"
"Maybe....Hey you want to come to the game tonight? I was thinking maybe you could bring Tristian."

Tristian was Allie's 15 year half-brother.

"Yeah I guess...." Allie hesitated suspiciously. "What's going on tonight?"

"Nothing." Belle said innocently. "So, I'll see you at the Grove?"

"The Grove." Allie confirmed.

After meeting Allie, Belle searched for a new outfit and Allie bought a ton new of makeup she didn't need at Sephora.

"Do you want to go over to the Beverley Center? I kind of want to see what Victoria's Secret has." Belle took a long sip of her iced coffee.

Allie's eyes widened. "Lingerie? Already?"

"No." Belle shook her head. "Not yet. I just want to see what they have. I don't have anything. At all. After Hunter...." She trailed off.

After Hunter and Belle had broken up Belle had suffered from deep depression. Her self esteem was gone, she lost a lot of weight. She threw out almost her entire wardrobe. Her father made her go to see a therapist. The first time she had seen a therapist was after her mom died. At 11 years old it didn't appear she could cope with loss. What 11-year-old can cope with losing their mother though? When she was 15 she began medication for anxiety and depression. As soon as she was 18 she stopped taking it. After her split with Hunter and she felt herself slipping back into that dark place she went back on it. A year ago, she stopped taking the medication again, against her father and Allie's advice but she felt good. She didn't want to take the medication any longer. And so far, things had been good.

"You guys aren't moving too fast, are you?" Allie flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

"No." Belle said defensively. "And I know what you're thinking but I'm fine."

"Does Chris know that you've battled depression most of your life?" Allie asked bluntly.

"No. Look do you want to go with me to look at bras or not?" Belle dug in her oversized handbag looking for her keys.

"Yeah. I'm always in the mood to buy cute underwear. Let's go." She chewed on her lip as she trailed behind Belle.

"Thank your girlfriend again for the tickets." Chris's friend Josh grinned as they walked through the parking garage at Dodger Stadium.

"Yeah, especially after you blew us off." Matt chimed in.

"We were going to sit in your garage throwing darts and drinking beer." Chris rolled his eyes. "Both of you would jump at the chance to spend the evening with a beautiful girl. If you could find any that wanted you." He added with a laugh.

"Screw you Pratt." Josh flipped him off as they stepped on the elevator.

"Speaking of Belle invited her friend Allie for you to meet." Chris said in one quick breath to Matt seconds before they stepped off the elevator.

"Wait. What?" Matt held his hand up trying to pull Chris back, but he was already off the elevator making a beeline for where Belle was standing with Allie and who he assumed was Allie's brother Tristian.

"Hey." Chris greeted Belle giving her a quick kiss on the lips making her blush. "Oh shit. Forgot you were working." He looked around.

Belle laughed shaking it off.

"Also." He lowered his voice leaning down. "I might have just told Matt that Allie was here for him."

"I didn't even tell Allie." Belle smiled devilishly. Turning to look at her friend who had realized she had been set up Belle jumped behind Chris. If looks could kill Belle would certainly be dead. Daggers were coming out of Allie's eyes.

"Belle, this is Josh, and you know Matt."

"Hi Josh. Hi Matt." Belle gave a huge smile and a little wave. "And this is Allie and her brother Tristian. I hope you guys don't mind but your seats are all together." She shrugged as if she had no control over it.

"I think we'll be just fine." Chris nodded his head approvingly.

"Some of us will be just fine." Allie continued to give Belle the death stare.

"I'll show you to your seats now." Belle held back her laugh, smoothing her skirt she transformed from Bells into Ms. Harper, Assistant to Operations League Manager.

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