Q and A answers

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Hi guys! Look what I got around to doing, after a year!

I really don't feel like linking who said what, so if you would like to know who asked what, check the comments in the last section. K cool thanks.

There was a lot of questions, so I think I'm just going to answer 5 for each character.

Anyways, the first person to get asked questions is Yoongi, the star of the show.

Q: "Hey! I'm still confused about the people, that were like spying on Yoongi and the others. what happened to them?"

A: "I-I'm not sure who you're talking about, but I would think if they worked with the man in the suit, they are in prison  or on the run."

Q: "So are you and Hoseok OK now?"

A: "I'd like to think so...he still hates himself for what he did, and I can't blame him. I-It was a pretty shitty thing to do. I hope we can go back to being friends someday, which is weird to say, he kidnapped me. But I know he was forced to."

Q: "What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time besides the obvious sleeping and coloring, kitty? And when are you getting your casts off?"

A: "I like listening to music and taste testing Jin-hyung's food. I haven't had a lot of free time lately, between court and doctor appointments. I'll be getting my casts of in 6 weeks hopefully"

Q: "How does it feel being the cutest thing in the universe?"

A: "Oh..." Yoongi does not answer, but a furious blush rises to his face, which he hides.

Q: "Do you still love Hoseok"

A: "No. I don't. I haven't since I punched him for cheating on me. Maybe someday I'll find someone who loves me and will stay."

Alright, that's all for Yoongi, now on to our resident bunny, Jungkook!


A: "Aw, th-thanks," 

in the distance you feel someone glaring daggers into your back

Q: "When will you learn to speak?"

A: "O-Oh, w-well, is learnin, but don't know."

Q: "Why are you so FRiCKIn CUte?"

A: "'M not cute" Jungkook blushes profusely.

Q: "Hows your speech comin, bun? I know one day you'll speak better than Joon can." 

A: "I is gettin good! But have a long w-way to go."

Q: "if I cut your foot off, would it still be good luck or nah? (i'll never actually do this btw)

A: Jungkook looks quite shook, and does not answer, as if he does not know the answer either.

Next person to ask questions is Namjoon, the cuddly cougar!


A: "Thanks, I am pretty great aren't I? I'm just kidding but thank you."

Q: "I was reading this with a friend, and she was so inspired by how well u coped with being a hybrid, and she said if I was in it, id be a couger too. How would u feel about that. ((Btw I'm so proud of u too :)"

A: "We could be cougars together! And thank you, I'm glad you're proud, though I haven't really done much."

Q:" You are the luckiest out of all the hybrids. You transformed back to human and you We're fine and even gained some muscle"

A: "Yeah, I guess I was. The other two really pulled the short straws with that one, but it's ok, because I can protect them, and everyone else, no matter what."

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