Chapter 1

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"Wallahi I'm following too many people. I need to unfollow some of these people I don't know." Amira said to her roommate, Hasna.

"Girl you follow only three hundred plus. Why do you need to unfollow anybody else?" Hasna sighed.

"Because I don't know them duh!" Amira replied.

"Ah toh, it's not my business." Hasna dismissed her.

Amira went through her list, unfollowing most people until she landed at hassan_.

"Damn this is one fine ass Hausa man." she said to herself. In her head, they had already gotten married and given birth to two beautiful children.

She knew she couldn't unfollow him because they had a future together in her head so she liked all of his pictures and hoped he noticed her.

"When you're done unfollowing, please cook noodles for us." Hasna said, munching on some pringles.

"Okay." Amira replied, not bothering to look up at her roommate and friend.

When she was through with unfollowing random people, she made noodles for them and proceeded to read a little before going to sleep.

When morning came, the first thing Amira did was to check her Instagram and as God was on her side, she had a message from Hassan_.

It was a simple 'hello' but it was enough to set the butterflies in her stomach running wild.

'Hey! Good morning.' - Amira.

She smiled at her phone and waited for his reply but it never came. She sighed and said her morning prayers then got ready for her 9:00am class.

Just as she stepped out, a notification came on her phone. She checked to see a message from Hassan_ and she smiled.

'Morning, how are you?' - Hassan.

'I'm fine, how are you? I'm on my way to class now, I'll text you later.' - Amira.

His reply came almost immediately.

'Sure, enjoy your day.' - Hassan.

'You too.' - Amira.

She stuffed her phone in her bag before rushing off.

Bio214 was an excruciatingly long three-hour class that Amira hated to attend but lately, she enjoyed it because the new lecturer was hot, young and handsome. To top it all off, he was Hausa and a Muslim — husband goals. Judging by his looks, he was no older than twenty five. He was probably one of the first class students the university retained.

"Young lady with the glasses, may I ask why you look confused?" The lecturer asked Amira.

She blushed and bowed her head down. The lecturer shook his head and explained the concept of Mendel's theory all over.

"Do you understand now four eyes?" he asked Amira.

She blushed again and looked down.

"Tear a sheet of paper, I'm giving you a quiz now." The lecturer announced to the entire class.

"Write everything you know about Mendel." he added.

Amira smiled and began writing. It was a good thing she read ahead of the lecturer. Earlier she wasn't confused, rather she was admiring her hot lecturer.

Gregor Mendel (1822–1884) is known as the father of genetics. He proposed the key laws of genetics from his work on inheritance of traits in peas in 1866...

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