Chapter 25

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A Year Later.

     Amira was so excited because Hassan would return from Australia in less than a few hours. His plane was to land at 5:30pm if there wasn't any delay. She prepared a lot of surprises for him because she had missed him a lot and it was even better as her parents were all the way in Makkah performing hajj. She decorated the garden with roses and set up a mat for a candle light dinner. She even bought a beautiful chocolate and red velvet cake from Cakes and Frosties that had 'welcome home baby' written on it. Cakes and Frosties had even customized the cake topper for Amira to suit her taste.

     When everything was set, it was 4:48pm. Amira could feel her insides burning with passion and an unexplainable feeling of wanting to just jump in his arms and never let go filled her. She hurried upstairs and took her bath then used her most expensive perfume. She put on a beautiful black gown and tied a beautiful turban on her head, then applied makeup. She had learned how to apply makeup from Zulaihat before she went back to school for her third year.

     She looked really beautiful when she was through with everything. By the time, it was almost 7:00pm. She dialed Zulaihat's phone to ask if they had picked Hassan up and she said they had. He was in fact getting ready to visit Amira with all the things he bought for her. He had a separate box from the others that contained stuff for Amira alone.

     Amira sat on the swings while she waited for him to arrive. At some minutes to 8:00pm, there was a honk at the gate. The gateman rushed to open it and Hassan drove in.

     "Good evening sir." he greeted Hassan.

     Hassan smiled and asked for Amira. The gateman told him to meet her at the back. Hassan thanked him and gave him ten thousand naira to buy whatever he wanted. The gateman couldn't contain his joy and kept thanking Hassan. Hassan smiled politely and walked to the back to see Amira standing there in her lovely gown. The lights were turned off, so the only lights that illuminated the garden were from the stars and the scented candles.

     The light from the moon casted a milky glow on her fair skin; she looked like an angel straight from heaven. When she saw him she wanted to jump into his arms but instead she stood still, staring at how the man she had grown to love changed. His hair was longer and his beards had grown full. He looked like he had been spending hours at the gym and not at college. Amira was lost in her gaze, she didn't even realize he had walked forward and was now standing directly in front of her.

     "Amira," he whispered. She came back to her senses and crashed into his arms, burying her face in his chest.

     "Hassan, I've missed you so much." she sobbed.

     "I know baby, I know. I've missed you too, please don't cry." Amira sniffed and nodded her head. She freed from his embrace and asked if he had eaten.

     Good thing I didn't have dinner at home. The garden looks so beautiful, but not as beautiful as you my love."

     Amira's face flushed red and she turned away, smiling at his words. She sat on the mat and asked him to sit. He sat opposite her and smiled at her. She nodded at him to open the cake carton and he did.

     "You really didn't have to do all this babe."

     "Why? I haven't seen you in a year Hassan. This is really nothing compared to all you've done for me."

     He smiled and cut the cake, then fed a piece to her. She smiled and fed him back, then served the cranberry juice in two glasses.

     "What are we cheering to?" he asked her.

     "To love. To us. To all that we've been through together. I've never told you this but I had a crush on you even before you DMed me on Instagram. I've loved you for over a year and I'll love you for a thousand more Hassan. I can't wait to spend forever with you, to be by your side when you wake up in the morning, to serve you breakfast in bed. I can't wait to travel around the world with you, to spend my life falling deeper in love with you. I can't wait to have beautiful babies for you, babies that'll fill our lives with laughter. I want to be with you until we're grey and old. You're all I need Hassan, you don't understand how much you really mean to me. All through my life, I'll only love you and no one else, no matter the situation we find ourselves. So cheers to our love." She lifted her glass to him and he clinked his with hers.

     "To us."

     After drinking, she served him the delicious macaroni and cheese she made specially for him. They ate in silence, smiling at each other every now and then. When they finished eating, they got up to sit on the swings. Amira rested her head on his shoulder while they swung slowly, gazing at the stars in silence.

    BShe basked in his scent that she had missed so much and then mumbled about how she wanted to wake up in his arms.

     "Hey Hassan, I'll be back in a moment." She got up and entered the house through the back door, then walked upstairs to her room. She came down with two blankets and spread one on the grass, then asked him to lay with her. When they were both laying down, she pulled the second blanket over them and they fell in silence again, just staring at the stars.

     "The stars look so beautiful tonight." Amira smiled. Before Hassan could reply, a shooting star flew by.

     They both closed their eyes and made wishes.

     "What did you wish for?" Hassan asked Amira.

     "To be with you forever. What did you wish for?"

     "For your wish to be granted." And with that, Amira fell into his arms and let the dark abyss of sleep envelope her.

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