Chapter 14

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The next morning as Hassan's mum promised, she sent a message to Amira's mum about the wedding preparation. She had gotten her event planner to see if the International Conference Centre would be okay or if they needed to take it elsewhere. The venue was perfect, according to Maims Events.

Amira's mum rolled her eyes because she hadn't told her husband, yet Hassan's mum went on with the preparations. She decided to just tell him once and for all before it was too late. She went upstairs into their bedroom to see him putting on his suit for work.

"You're up quite early today. Join me downstairs for breakfast when you're ready." She smiled, fixing his tie.

"Sure, but I have just fifteen minutes before I leave." he answered.

"It's perfect! I've made toast slices and a hot cup of coffee so hurry up and join me."

He nodded and walked downstairs with her.

"How has work been? You've become so busy these days that you hardly have time for us."

"Work has been good. I just have a lot of things to do."

"Oh, here." She handed him a plate of toasts and a cup of coffee.

He dug in immediately, because he didn't want to be late.

"Uh, if you have a minute can I please talk to you about something?"

"Go on, I can hear you."

"Uh, Amira has grown into a beautiful woman and she's good with house chores. You know-"

"Go straight to the point Raeesa." He sipped his coffee.

"It's just that, I think we should get her married."

Her husband coughed and dropped the cup of coffee down.


"You see, yesterday, they had come to personally ask for her hand and I agreed."

"You made such a decision behind my back?"

"I'm sorry Nuhu. You weren't home and-"

"You could've called me." he said calmly.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Who's the boy? Send him to my office later today." He shrugged.

"Sure, I'll send him." She smiled and added a toast to his plate.

"Noooo, just kill me with food." He shook his head and stood up. "I'll be on my way."

She walked him to the car, carrying his briefcase with her. She dropped it at the backseat and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't be hard on the poor boy." she warned.

"Of course not! See you in the evening." He smiled.

Bye bye." She waved and watched his car leave the compound.

When the gate closed, she walked back inside to Amira's room.

"Amira?" she called out.

She didn't get a reply and Amira was no where to be found. She sighed and checked the gym to see Amira lifting weights.

What on earth do you think you're doing silly girl?"

"Mummy, can't you see I'm working my quad and glutes? I need this booty round and firm before my wedding."

"Don't be silly! Those are too heavy for you."

"That's the point. The heavier the better." She winked and picked up the barbell, then went low on a sumo squat and came back up.

"This girl would definitely be the death of me." Her mum shook her head as she watched her daughter.

"Why are you still here?" Amira asked.

"Your father wants to meet Hassan later today so inform him."

"Oh? Sure." She looked unsure.

"Don't worry, he promised to be nice."

"Okay, better. Now please excuse me, you're a distraction."

Her mother shook her head and left the gym, then Amira took out her phone to text Hassan.

'My dad wants to meet you at his office today. Here's his office address (3rd floor, Nuhu Enterprise, Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse 2) meet him by 12:30pm on the dot.' - Amira.

'Should I be scared?' - Hassan.

'He doesn't bite. Just be on your best behaviour.' - Amira.

'I'll try xD.' - Hassan.

'Your business! I'm in the middle of a workout so I'll talk to you later.' - Amira.

She didn't bother to wait for his reply. She tossed her phone on the side and continued her workout. When she was done, she was all sweaty and sticky. She picked up her phone and headed to her bathroom. It wasn't easy working out, but in the end it'd be worth it.

She stripped down to her underwear and tossed the dirty clothes in her laundry basket. She sniffed her armpit and scrunched up her face in disgust.

"That smell cannot be from my armpit, ew!"

She turned on the hot water and stood under it, allowing it wash down her body. Then she applied her sweet smelling shampoo to her hair and washed off the sweat. After bathing, she dressed up in an oversized T-Shirt that probably belonged to her father. She didn't know who she stole it from. She grabbed her phone from the bed and skipped downstairs.

"Mummy, are you going out today?" she asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes, I'll be heading to the bakeshop. Did I tell you I'll be opening another branch at Maitama?"

"No, this is good news." Amira smiled.

"Yeah, it is."

"Can I come with you?" Amira pouted.

Her mum looked at her suspiciously and asked. "What exactly is your reason?"

"Fine, I want to go to the movies with Zulaihat." She smiled sheepishly.

"Now you're talking. Be ready by 1:00pm and tell your Zulaihat friend to be ready too because you won't waste my time."

"Thank you." Amira squealed, then dialed Zulaihat's number.

"Hey girl!" Zulaihat chirped from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, want to go to the movies? Bills on me."

"Of course! Time, address, I'll be there."

"Chill girl, I'm coming to pick you up. Jabi Lake Mall is cool yeah? Or do you want to go to the one at Central Area?"

"Jabi Lake Mall is perfect. I'll start getting ready."

"It's just 10:00am!" Amira shook her head.

"Exactly! I have three hours to get ready. I have to do my makeup and hey, you better not come with a plain face." Zulaihat said seriously.

"I don't know how to do anything. I can only apply lip gloss and powder."

"Ugh! Send me your address and I'll be there soon."

"Sure, I'll send it immediately I hang up."

"Bye, love you!"


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