Chapter 37

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   Eight months had passed since Hassan and Amira got married but things weren't any different. She had left for school and when she got her semester's break, she didn't go back home. Even after the second semester, she still didn't go home. Hassan had tried visiting her but whenever he did go to Zaria, she would refuse to see him. She stayed back in Zaria to prepare for her convocation and didn't even bother telling anyone about it. Her parents managed to find out about it from Hasna and decided to attend with Hassan.

   When they got to Zaria, they called but she didn't pick up. They booked two rooms at Emerald Suites, one for her parents and the other for Hassan. The next day which was the day of her convocation, they got ready and drove to the university's event square. Her parents drove in one car while Hassan drove in another. They joined the guests at the space reserved for family and friends and watched the whole ceremony. They could spot Amira sitting among some other people with a smile on her face.

   "And the best graduating student from the department of Biological Sciences with a 4.7 CGPA is U15BS1001, miss Amira Nuhu Umar."

   Amira walked majestically to the stage with a small smile on her face and really wished her parents were there with her but she couldn't bring herself to face them after the wedding. She couldn't really blame her father because she had wanted to marry Hassan and even when he said no, she took extra measures to make sure they got married. In the end, it wasn't her father's fault but her fault.

   "Do you have any family members here that you want to take pictures with?"

   Amira was about to say no when she saw her mother walking to the stage with her father and Hassan following behind them. She could feel her eyes watering but she held back the tears. When her mother hugged her, she burst out in tears and hugged her mum tightly.

   "I'm sorry mum." she whispered in her mum's ear. Her mum soothed her back and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

   "Don't cry, this should be a joyous occasion and not a funeral."

   Amira nodded and looked over her mother's shoulder where her father and Hassan were standing. Her father opened his arms and she collapsed into them. "I'm sorry dad." He shook his head and told her it was fine.

   "Amira." Hassan smiled at her. She forced a smile and hugged him awkwardly. "Congratulations."

   She let go of him and stood beside the vice chancellor. The photographer took a picture of the two of them before allowing her family join in the picture.

   "As the best graduating student, you've been awarded a scholarship to study biology at masters level in University of Minnesota." The crowd cheered her and Hasna came up to hug her, then took a picture with her.

   "And for making me proud, I bought your favourite Toyota Camry for you and two tickets to the Maldives for you and your husband." Her father smiled. Amira hugged him and collected the key and tickets from him.

   "Thank you dad."

   "I'm sorry to interrupt but if you don't mind, can you step down from the stage?" The MC asked politely.

   Amira apologized and stepped down with her family and best friend. They walked out of Mamman Kontagora Square into the parking lot just by the senate building. Amira pressed the open button on her key and lights flashed from a brand new Toyota Camry 2018 model. She squealed and ran to the car, then entered the driver's side. She turned on the engine and the car roared to life. "This is a fucking beast!" She hit her hand on the dash board and grinned.

   Hasna got into the passenger's seat and grinned at Amira. "Shall we?" Amira nodded excitedly and pulled out of the parking lot.

   "We'll be back, we just want to take a drive around the campus."

   Her parents chuckled and asked her not to be long. Hassan stared as the car retreated, smiling sadly. Since they got married, he had tried his best to win her love and trust back but she wasn't having it. He even cut contacts with all the females he knew that weren't family but she still wasn't ready to forgive him. He knew one day, she'd eventually forgive him and their lives would be back to normal.

   "Son, you shouldn't be sad all the time. Just give her time and she'll come around." Amira's father said to Hassan. Hassan shook his head.

   "She really doesn't want anything to do with me."

   "When we get to Abuja, I'll sit her down and talk to her." her mother offered. Hassan smiled and waited for Amira to return.

   When she did, her father told her they had to go back to Abuja soon. After introducing her parents to Hasna's parents, they finally left for Abuja.

   Her father drove with his wife in their car while Hassan drove Amira's car. Amira stared out of the window the moment the car started to move. She watched the bushes and buildings in a daze as they passed through Kaduna, not bothering to speak to Hassan. They passed through the town instead of the main road that led to Abuja.

   "Hassan?" Amira called out. He was shocked that she talked to him so he pulled over to the side of the road. "Yes?"

   "Can you take me to house of cakes? I want to buy chocolate cake slices and ice cream." He nodded and drove to the mall, then asked her if she wanted him to come with her. After a long while, she nodded. They walked in together and went straight to the counter.

   "Two chocolate cake slices and one vanilla." Amira said before Hassan could talk. He stared at her as she ordered the cakes. After ordering the cakes, she asked for ice-cream.

   "A bowl of vanilla, mint and dark chocolate with Oreo mix ins for him and a bowl of strawberry, double chocolate and vanilla for me." she said. Hassan was surprised she still remembered all his favourite flavours.

   After collecting them, he offered to pay but she shook her head and gave the lady the money.

   "Do you want to eat here or in the car?" Amira asked him.

   "In the car." he answered, then they walked out together. When they got to the car, he entered and started the car. Amira got in and placed the cakes and ice cream in the middle compartment, then strapped her belt. When he started driving, she began to eat her cake and ice cream but he wasn't eating. She looked at him and then looked at the snacks before deciding to help him.

   She opened his ice-cream and scooped some into the spoon. "Hassan?" she called softly.

   When he looked at her, she raised the spoon to his mouth. He opened his mouth and let her feed him.

   "Thank you." She smiled at him and kept on feeding him.

   When they both finished their snacks, Hassan said softly, "I miss you, I miss us."

   "I- me- me too. I miss how we used to be." She looked out of the window and Hassan smiled.

   "Forgive me? Let's start all over."

   Amira shook her head and smiled, "I'm sleepy, we'll talk when we get home."

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